New Mexico District Court
Judge:Gregory B Wormuth
Case #: 1:24-cv-01278
Nature of Suit864 Social Security - SSID Title XVI
Cause42:405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID)
Case Filed:Dec 19, 2024

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Docket last updated: 12/20/2024 11:59 PM MST
Thursday, December 19, 2024
1 1 COMPLAINT against Commissioner of Social Security filed by Johnathan Garcia.(Konoski, Bryan)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet
United States Chief Magistrate Judge Gregory B. Wormuth assigned. (bc)
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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that this case has been randomly assigned to United States Chief Magistrate Judge Gregory B. Wormuth to conduct dispositive proceedings in this matter, including motions and trial. Appeal from a judgment entered by a Magistrate Judge will be to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Consent is strictly voluntary, and a party is free to withhold consent without adverse consequences. Should a party choose to consent, notice should be made no later than 21 days after entry of the Order setting the Rule 16 Initial Scheduling Conference. For e-filers, visit our Web site at for more information and instructions. [THIS IS A TEXT-ONLY ENTRY. THERE ARE NO DOCUMENTS ATTACHED.] (bc)
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