Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge
Fri 12/20 4:29 PM
STANDING REFERRAL ORDER: 1) Case referred to assigned U.S. Magistrate Judge at Covington to supervise discovery and pretrial proceedings; 2) Magistrate Judge is authorized to conduct all pretrial and status conferences, to hold such hearings as may be required, and to rule on nondispositive motions, except motions in limine. Dispositive motions and motions in limine will be referred by the Clerk of this court to the undersigned. The final pretrial conference and trial will also be before the undersigned, unless parties agree to a trial by a Magistrate Judge; 3) Discovery disputes shall be resolved in the following manner: (1) Parties to meet/confer in an attempt to resolve disputes; (2) If parties unable to resolve such disputes formally, they shall attempt to resolve their disagreements by telephone conference with the Magistrate Judge; 3) If parties unable to resolve their disputes after conference with the Magistrate Judge, they may file appropriate written motions with the Court, which shall include the certification required.. Signed by Judge David L. Bunning on 1/13/2011.(TJG)
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Fri 12/20 4:25 PM
COMPLAINT (NO PROCESS REQUESTED). ( Filing fee $405; receipt number AKYEDC-5998465), filed by Alicia Ruedinger.(TJG)
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Att: 1
Civil Cover Sheet,
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Att: 2
Exhibit-Notice of Right to Sue
Conflict Check
Fri 12/20 4:29 PM
Conflict Check run. (TJG)
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