Florida Middle District Court
Judge:William F Jung
Referred: Natalie Hirt Adams
Case #: 8:24-cv-02959
Nature of Suit440 Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights
Cause42:1983 Civil Rights Act
Case Filed:Dec 23, 2024
Last checked: Saturday Dec 28, 2024 3:00 AM EST
United States of America
Samson Bender
2508 E. Hanna Ave. Apt. 208
Tampa, FL 33610

Docket last updated: 9 hours ago
Monday, December 30, 2024
4 4 order Order Mon 12/30 3:41 PM
ENDORSED ORDER directing Plaintiff to file an amended complaint. The Court has reviewed the Complaint (Doc. 1), and it does not include any facts. Therefore, it is deficient. First, Plaintiff should consider getting legal help on this matter. Bay Area Legal Services might offer help for free, and can be reached at (800) 625-2257. Filing complaints in federal court is very difficult, and Plaintiff should seek skilled help as his first effort is not sufficient. Second, Plaintiff should reassert and refile another complaint. Use the Clerk's form. Label it "amended complaint" and do not refer back to or incorporate reference to the original complaint. State in plain but detailed language exactly what happened to you, and why it violated your rights. Explain in detail what each defendant you are suing did and how that is actionable. Cite the causes of action you are asserting against each defendant, listing them by name. As to each cause of action, separate each one out, like "Count One, Count Two," etc. You may use extra pages as necessary. Make these corrections and refile an amended complaint within 21 days. If you do not file an amended complaint following these instructions within 21 days, it may result in a recommendation that your complaint be dismissed. Signed by Magistrate Judge Natalie Hirt Adams on 12/30/2024. (CJF)
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3 3 order Order on Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Mon 12/30 3:35 PM
ENDORSED ORDER denying without prejudice 2 Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis. Plaintiff filed an incomplete version of the "Application to Proceed in District Court Without Prepaying Fees or Costs (Long Form)." The Clerk is DIRECTED to send a copy of this order, along with the "Application to Proceed in District Court Without Prepaying Fees or Costs (Long Form)" (located at https://www.flmd.uscourts.gov/forms/all/filing-a-case-forms) to Plaintiff. Plaintiff shall complete all pages of the application and re-file it or, alternatively, pay the filing fee, within 21 days. If Plaintiff fails to pay the filing fee or to move to proceed in forma pauperis within the time provided, the Court could dismiss this action, without prejudice, without further notice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Natalie Hirt Adams on 12/30/2024. (CJF)
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Monday, December 23, 2024
2 2 motion Proceed In Forma Pauperis Fri 12/27 11:58 AM
MOTION to Proceed In Forma Pauperis by Samson Bender. (LD)
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1 1 cmp Complaint Fri 12/27 11:56 AM
COMPLAINT against United States of America filed by Samson Bender.(LD)
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Att: 1 Exhibit