Miscellaneous Relief
Tue 12/31 3:47 PM
MOTION for Approval of Ad Interim Stipulation of Value, Stipulation for Costs, and Ad Interim Security in the Form of a Letter of Undertaking; Direct Issuance of Monition and Injunction by Estate of Michael H Polaski.(Jelinske, Raven)
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Att: 1
Text of Proposed Order Exhibit A to Motion - Proposed Order,
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Att: 2
Text of Proposed Order Exhibit B to Motion - Proposed Monition,
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Att: 3
Text of Proposed Order Exhibit C to Motion - Proposed Notice of Monition
Tue 12/31 3:40 PM
STIPULATION Ad Interim Stipulation of Value, Stipulation for Costs, and Ad Interim Security in the Form of a Letter of Undertaking by Estate of Michael H Polaski. (Jelinske, Raven)
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Filing Fee Received
Tue 12/31 11:48 AM
FILING FEE BALANCE RECEIVED: $353.00, Receipt No. 27KD30TC. Filing Fee paid in full. (mew)
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Petition - Misc Case Filing
Mon 12/30 12:12 PM
PETITION for Exoneration From or Limitation of Liability filed by Estate of Michael H Polaski. ( Filing Fee PAID $52 receipt number AWIEDC-4848682)(Jelinske, Raven)
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Att: 1
Civil Cover Sheet Civil Cover Sheet - JS44,
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Att: 2
Declaration of Raven R. Jelinske,
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Att: 3
Exhibit A - Vessel Purchase Agreement,
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Att: 4
Exhibit B - Signed Notice of Administration Deadlines,
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Att: 5
Exhibit C - July 1, 2024 Notice of Claim
Notice of Judge Assignment
Mon 12/30 1:16 PM
NOTICE Regarding assignment of this matter to Chief Judge Pamela Pepper. Consent/refusal forms for Magistrate Judge Duffin to be filed within 21 days; the consent/refusal form is available[LINK:here.] Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 7.1, a disclosure statement is to be filed upon the first filing of any paper and should be filed now if not already filed. (mew)
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Docket Annotation
Mon 12/30 1:29 PM
Docket Annotation: Payment in the amount of $52.00 was received per ECF 1. However, the cost for filing a civil action is $405.00. Balance due: $353.00. (mew)
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Notice to Attorney regarding Contact Information
Mon 12/30 4:02 PM
NOTICE to Raven Renea Jelinske: The contact information on your most recent filing does not match your Central Sign-On account. Please refer to[LINK:Maintain Your CSO Account] for instructions on how to update your account. (mew)
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