Florida Southern District Court
Judge:Jacqueline Becerra
Case #: 1:25-cv-20061
Nature of Suit190 Contract - Other Contract
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Notice of Removal
Case Filed:Jan 06, 2025
Last checked: Tuesday Jan 07, 2025 1:29 AM EST
Graham Rahal Performance, LLC,
Gelber Schachter & Greenberg, P.A. One Southeast Third Avenue Suite 2600
Miami, FL 33131
Represented By
Gerald Edward Greenberg
Gelber Schachter & Greenberg PA
contact info
Krinzman Huss Lubetsky Feldman & Hotte 169 E. Flagler Street Suite 500
Miami, FL 33131
Oscar Barbara
Krinzman Huss Lubetsky Feldman & Hotte 169 E. Flagler Street Suite 500
Miami, FL 33131

Docket last updated: 01/16/2025 11:59 PM EST
Monday, January 13, 2025
5 5 answer ANSWER to Complaint (Notice of Removal) Counterclaim Mon 01/13 9:56 PM
ANSWER to Complaint re the Notice of Removal , COUNTERCLAIM against ALEXDEX P1, LLC, Oscar Barbara by Graham Rahal Performance, LLC,.(Greenberg, Gerald)
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1 - Purchase Agreement,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2 - November 2, 2024 demand letter,
Att: 3 Exhibit 3 - November 26, 2024 demand letter
Tuesday, January 07, 2025
4 4 notice Notice of Attorney Appearance Tue 01/07 11:32 AM
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Christopher Scott Sundby on behalf of Graham Rahal Performance, LLC, (Sundby, Christopher)
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3 3 order - Order (PAPERLESS or pdf attached) Tue 01/07 11:26 AM
PAPERLESS ORDER REGARDING PROCEDURES. The parties shall comply with the following procedures: 1. CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES : Within fifteen days from the date the last Defendant enters an appearance in this action, the parties, including governmental parties, must file Certificates of Interested Parties and Corporate Disclosure Statements that contain a complete list of persons, associated persons, firms, partnerships, or corporations that have a financial interest in the outcome of this case, including subsidiaries, conglomerates, affiliates, parent corporations, and other identifiable legal entities related to a party. The parties must not include the undersigned or the assigned Magistrate Judge as interested parties unless they have an interest in the litigation. Throughout the pendency of the action, the parties are under a continuing obligation to amend, correct, and update the Certificates. 2. JOINT SCHEDULING REPORTS : Within twenty days from the date the last Defendant enters an appearance in this action, the parties are directed to prepare and file a Joint Scheduling Report as required by Local Rule 16.1. Disclosures required under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(l) must be made at or before the time the parties confer to develop their case management and discovery plan. The parties must certify in the Joint Scheduling Report that such disclosures have been made unless a party files an objection to a required disclosure. Such filed objection must include a full explanation of the basis for the objection. The scheduling conference may be held via video conference or in person. It may not be held by telephone. In drafting their Joint Proposed Scheduling Order, the parties shall utilize the Court's Template Scheduling Order, found at https://www.flsd.uscourts.gov/sites/flsd/files/TemplateSchedulingOrder.pdf. Any deviation from the guidelines set forth in the Court's Template Scheduling Order or those proposed by the Local Rules must be noted in the Joint Scheduling Report along with an explanation for why any deviation is being proposed. Failure to articulate the reason(s) for any deviation from the guidelines set forth in the Court's Template Scheduling Order may result in the Court setting pre-trial deadlines and/or a trial date without regard to those proposed by the parties. 3. FILING OF MOTIONS : All filings must be in a 12-point font and double spaced. Single spacing is only permitted for footnotes. The required conferral under Local Rule 7.1 must be by telephone or in person. An e-mail conferral will only be permitted if counsel are in agreement as to the relief sought in the motion. 4. EXTENSIONS OF TIME : Requests for extensions of time, including unopposed motions, will only be granted by the Court upon an appropriate motion showing good cause why the deadline cannot be met. Absent an emergency, motions for extensions of time must be filed no later than three business days prior to the deadline from which relief is being sought. All requests for extensions of time must include: (1) the conferral statement required under Local Rule 7.1; (2) a list of any prior motions for extension of time; (3) a specific statement regarding the circumstances necessitating the requested relief; and (4) a statement as to whether the request impacts the deadline to file a dispositive motion or trial date. Signed by Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 1/7/2025. (nsy)
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Monday, January 06, 2025
2 2 order Clerk's Notice of Judge Assignment and Optional Consent Tue 01/07 11:15 AM
Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Jacqueline Becerra. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. (nan)
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1 1 cmp Notice of Removal (State Court Complaint) Mon 01/06 9:30 PM
NOTICE OF REMOVAL (STATE COURT COMPLAINT - COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT) Filing fee $ 405.00 receipt number AFLSDC-18095610, filed by Graham Rahal Performance, LLC,.(Greenberg, Gerald)
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1 - Complaint, Summons, and Case Docket,
Att: 2 Civil Cover Sheet