G.O. 18 & SSA Case Assignment Form
Wed 01/15 8:16 AM
Social Security Appeal Case Assignment Form and General Order #18 Issued. Pursuant to General Order #18, in the event the Plaintiff does not timely consent, or if the United States timely withdraws its consent, the case will be reassigned to a District Judge consistent with General Order #12 . Social Security Consent/Declination Form due by 2/4/2025. (egr)
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Social Security Identification Form - [LODGED]
Wed 01/15 8:15 AM
Social Security Identification Form [LODGED] [Pursuant to General Order #18, this document has been electronically lodged with the Court. Viewable by case participants and court personnel only, it is not a filed document, therefore is not available for public inspection. Any further distribution or dissemination is prohibited] . (egr)
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Complaint - Social Security Appeal
Wed 01/15 8:14 AM
COMPLAINT - Social Security Appeal. [Pursuant to General Order #18, Section B(3), the CM/ECF system will generate a Notice of Electronic Filing to the USAO-NDNY and Regional Counsel for the Social Security Administration. Service of a Complaint along with the Social Security Identification Form will be considered complete only when the three steps in paragraph 2(A), 2(B) and 2(C) of General Order #18 have been completed.] (Filing fee $405 receipt number ANYNDC-6993655).(egr)
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Civil Cover Sheets