Fri 01/17 11:58 AM
ORDER THAT: 1. If Mr. Drake seeks to proceed with this action he must, no later than February 17, 2025, either: pay $405 (comprising the $350 filing fee and $55 administrative fee) to the Clerk of Court; or, file a motion to proceed in forma pauperis with a certified copy of his prisoner account statement (or institutional equivalent) showing all deposits, withdrawals, and a current balance, from any correctional facility in which he was confined for the six-month period from July 1, 2024 to present reflecting account activity from that time period. SIGNED BY DISTRICT JUDGE MARK A. KEARNEY ON 1/17/25. 1/17/25 ENTERED. COPY OF THIS ORDER AND PRISONER COMPLAINT FORM AND PRISONER IFP FORM MAILED TO DRAKE.(fdc)
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