Initial Case Assignment
Fri 01/17 2:49 PM
Initial Case Assignment to Judge Carl J Barbier and Magistrate Judge Eva J. Dossier. (cc)
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Notice of Removal
Fri 01/17 2:31 PM
NOTICE OF REMOVAL with jury demand from Civil District Court, case number 2024-06243 (Filing fee $ 405 receipt number ALAEDC-10851963) filed by Winn-Dixie Montgomery, LLC.Attorney Michael R. Sistrunk added to party Winn-Dixie Montgomery, LLC(pty:dft).(Sistrunk, Michael)
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Att: 1
Exhibit A - Petition,
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Att: 2
Exhibit B - EBR Sheriff Service Info,
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Att: 3
Exhibit C - Letter re policy limits demand,
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Att: 4
Exhibit D - Email excerpt re demand,
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Att: 5
Exhibit E - State court records in globo,
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Att: 6
Exhibit f - Notice to Adverse Party and State Court,
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Att: 7
Civil Cover Sheet