Massachusetts District Court
Judge:Myong J Joun
Case #: 1:25-cv-10471
Nature of Suit880 Civil Rights - Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA)
Cause18:1836(a) Injunction against Misappropriation of Trade Secrets
Case Filed:Feb 26, 2025
Last checked: Thursday Feb 27, 2025 12:41 AM EST
Louis Mullie
Pathway Medical, Inc.
OpenEvidence Inc.
Represented By
Robert D. Carroll
Goodwin Procter, LLP
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/02/2025 11:59 PM EST
Thursday, February 27, 2025
11 11 order Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Thu 02/27 4:31 PM
Judge Myong J. Joun: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting6 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Added Timothy Keegan. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice must have an individual PACER account, not a shared firm account, to electronically file in the District of Massachusetts. To register for a PACER account, go the Pacer website at You must put the docket number under ADDITIONAL FILER INFORMATION on your form when registering or it will be rejected. Pro Hac Vice Admission Request Instructions [LINK:] . A Notice of Appearance must be entered on the docket by the newly admitted attorney. (CGK)
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10 10 order Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Thu 02/27 4:29 PM
Judge Myong J. Joun: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting5 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Added Matthew R. Wisnieff. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice must have an individual PACER account, not a shared firm account, to electronically file in the District of Massachusetts. To register for a PACER account, go the Pacer website at You must put the docket number under ADDITIONAL FILER INFORMATION on your form when registering or it will be rejected. Pro Hac Vice Admission Request Instructions [LINK:] . A Notice of Appearance must be entered on the docket by the newly admitted attorney. (CGK)
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9 9 order Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Thu 02/27 4:28 PM
Judge Myong J. Joun: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting4 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Added Ishika Desai. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice must have an individual PACER account, not a shared firm account, to electronically file in the District of Massachusetts. To register for a PACER account, go the Pacer website at You must put the docket number under ADDITIONAL FILER INFORMATION on your form when registering or it will be rejected. Pro Hac Vice Admission Request Instructions [LINK:] . A Notice of Appearance must be entered on the docket by the newly admitted attorney. (CGK)
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7 7 notice Notice of Case Assignment Thu 02/27 10:52 AM
ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Case Assignment. Judge Myong J. Joun assigned to case. If the trial Judge issues an Order of Reference of any matter in this case to a Magistrate Judge, the matter will be transmitted to Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley. (JKK)
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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
8 8 service Summons Issued Thu 02/27 10:57 AM
Summons Issued as to All Defendants. Counsel receiving this notice electronically should download this summons, complete one for each defendant and serve it in accordance with Fed.R.Civ.P. 4 and LR 4.1. Summons will be mailed to plaintiff(s) not receiving notice electronically for completion of service. (KLM)
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6 6 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 02/26 8:37 PM
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice for admission of Timothy Keegan Filing fee: $ 125, receipt number AMADC-10860967 by OpenEvidence Inc..(Carroll, Robert)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Certification of Timothy Keegan
5 5 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 02/26 8:35 PM
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice for admission of Matthew R. Wisnieff Filing fee: $ 125, receipt number AMADC-10860966 by OpenEvidence Inc..(Carroll, Robert)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Certification of Matthew R. Wisnieff
4 4 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Wed 02/26 8:33 PM
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice for admission of Ishika Desai Filing fee: $ 125, receipt number AMADC-10860958 by OpenEvidence Inc..(Carroll, Robert)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Certification of Ishika Desai
3 3 misc Corporate Disclosure Statement Wed 02/26 8:31 PM
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by OpenEvidence Inc.. (Carroll, Robert)
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2 2 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 02/26 8:30 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Robert D. Carroll on behalf of OpenEvidence Inc. (Carroll, Robert)
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1 1 36 pgs cmp Complaint Wed 02/26 8:29 PM
COMPLAINT against Louis Mullie, Pathway Medical, Inc. Filing fee: $ 405, receipt number AMADC-10860949 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by OpenEvidence Inc..(Carroll, Robert)
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Att: 1 1 pgs Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 1 pgs Category Form,
Att: 3 10 pgs Exhibit A,
Att: 4 4 pgs Exhibit B,
Att: 5 3 pgs Exhibit C,
Att: 6 5 pgs Exhibit D,
Att: 7 3 pgs Exhibit E,
Att: 8 1 pgs Summons - Pathway Medical, Inc.,
Att: 9 1 pgs Summons - Louis Mullie