Summons Returned Executed
Tue 03/04 3:10 PM
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Kevin M. Mentus. Gallina Development Corporation served on 3/4/2025, answer due 3/25/2025. (JHF)
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Mon 03/03 3:47 PM
ATTENTION ALL PLAINTIFFS OR INTERVENORS: Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.7.1 and/or General Order No. 157. In the Matter of Disclosure of Members, Shareholders, Partners, and Leaders of Business Organization Parties, all Disclosure Statements are to be filed within seven (7) days of this notice. (KM)
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Thu 02/27 2:09 PM
Report on the Filing of an Action Regarding a Copyright forwarded to the Copyright Office (TF)
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Att: 1
Thu 02/27 1:23 PM
COMPLAINT against Gallina Development Corporation, filed by Kevin M. Mentus.(TF)
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Att: 1
Civil Cover Sheet and summons
Summons Issued
Thu 02/27 1:24 PM
Summons Issued as to Gallina Development Corporation. (TF)
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Filing Fee Received
Thu 02/27 1:25 PM
Filing fee: $ 405.00, receipt number 600001198. (TF)
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Notice of Availability of Magistrate Judge
Thu 02/27 1:26 PM
Notice of Availability of Magistrate Judge: A United States Magistrate of this Court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action in accordance with 28 U.S.C. 636c and FRCP 73. The Notice, Consent, and Reference of a Civil Action to a Magistrate Judge form (AO-85) is available for download at[LINK:http://www.uscourts.gov/services-forms/forms] . Pro Se packet consisting of Privacy Notice, Consent to Proceed Before a Magistrate Judge, Civil Case Timeline, ADR Notification and pro se assistance program info given to plaintiff at the counter. (TF)
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Automatic Referral to Mediation
Thu 02/27 1:27 PM
AUTOMATIC REFERRAL TO MEDIATION Pursuant to Section 2.1(A) of the Plan for Alternative Dispute Resolution in the United States District Court for the Western District of New York (the ADR Plan), this case is automatically referred to ADR. To access the ADR Plan and for inquiries regarding the Court's ADR Program please review the Court's[LINK:ADR webpage] and/or contact the Court's ADR Administrator at[LINK:adrprogram@nywd.uscourts.gov] . Prior to the Local Rule 16 scheduling conference, counsel and unrepresented parties shall review the [LINK:ADR Plan] and confer with each other regarding ADR for this case. Unless the parties agree to a different intervention, it is presumed they will participate in mediation. The parties shall be prepared to report on the outcome of their ADR discussion at the scheduling conference, as the initial Scheduling Order for this case will establish ADR deadlines in accordance with the ADR Plan.(TF)
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