Missouri Western District Court
Judge:Stephen R Bough
Case #: 4:25-cv-00140
Nature of Suit880 Civil Rights - Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA)
Cause18:1836(b) Civil Action to Protect Trade Secrets
Case Filed:Feb 27, 2025
Last checked: Friday Feb 28, 2025 12:46 AM CST
Commerce Bank
Revenue Management Solutions, LLC
Represented By
Richard L. Brophy
Armstrong Teasdale
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/07/2025 11:59 PM CST
Thursday, March 06, 2025
20 20 order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Thu 03/06 1:14 PM
ORDER granting17 &18 motion to appear pro hac vice entered by Clerk of Court. Attorney Anna King and Binal J. Patel for Commerce Bank allowed to appear pro hac vice. This entry will serve as authorization for the pro hac participation by the attorney. Western District of Missouri Local Rule 5.1 requires documents to be filed electronically. If pro hac vice counsel has not already done so, counsel is directed to immediately register for a WDMO e-filing account for NextGen CM/ECF. This will enable counsel to electronically file documents and receive electronic notification of filings. Register for a WDMO e-filing account at [LINK:PACER] . This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. (Berner, Crystal)
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19 19 misc Redacted Document Thu 03/06 12:38 PM
REDACTION to1 Complaint(Sealed), as per March 4, 2025 Order byRevenue Management Solutions, LLC. Related [+] (Brophy, Richard)
Related: [-] 1
Att: 1 Exhibit A - Redacted version,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Redacted version,
Att: 3 Exhibit C - Redacted version
18 18 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Thu 03/06 12:14 PM
Motion to allow Binal J. Patel to appear pro hac vice (Pro Hac fee $100 receipt number AMOWDC-9470104) filed by Todd W. Ruskamp on behalf of Commerce Bank. (Ruskamp, Todd)
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17 17 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Thu 03/06 12:11 PM
Motion to allow Anna King to appear pro hac vice (Pro Hac fee $100 receipt number AMOWDC-9470084) filed by Todd W. Ruskamp on behalf of Commerce Bank. (Ruskamp, Todd)
Related: [-]
16 16 notice Notice of Appearance Thu 03/06 12:06 PM
NOTICE of appearance by Todd W. Ruskamp on behalf of Commerce Bank (Attorney Todd W. Ruskamp added to party Commerce Bank(pty:dft))(Ruskamp, Todd)
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15 15 notice Notice of MAPN Thu 03/06 11:14 AM
Related: [-]
Att: 1 MAP General Order
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
14 14 service Return of Service of Complaint Executed Wed 03/05 9:41 AM
RETURN OF SERVICE of complaint executed by Revenue Management Solutions, LLC. Commerce Bank served on 3/4/2025, answer due 3/25/2025. (Brophy, Richard)
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Tuesday, March 04, 2025
13 13 order Order on Motion to Seal Document Tue 03/04 8:51 AM
Before the Court is Plaintiff's motion for leave to file its complaint under seal. (Doc. #2 .) Plaintiff argues the complaint and its exhibits should be sealed because they concern confidential information; alternatively, Plaintiff offers to publicly file a redacted version of the complaint and its exhibits. Upon review, the Court DIRECTS Plaintiff to publicly file a redacted version of the complaint and its exhibits by no later than March 17, 2024. The redactions should be limited and narrow, encompassing only information that is genuinely proprietary and competitively sensitive. IDT Corp. v. eBay , 709 F.3d 1220, 1224 (8th Cir. 2013). If Plaintiff does not publicly file such a redacted version by the deadline, the Court may unseal the currently filed complaint and its exhibits without further notice. Once Defendant has responded to the complaint, it has 30 days to contest this order. In light of this ruling, Plaintiff's pending motion to seal is DENIED as moot. Signed on 3/4/2025 by District Judge Stephen R. Bough. Signed on 3/4/2025 by District Judge Stephen R. Bough. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. (Peters, Tracey)
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service Summons Reissued Tue 03/04 10:28 AM
SUMMONS REISSUED as to Commerce Bank. (Woods, Gloria)
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Monday, March 03, 2025
12 12 order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Mon 03/03 8:25 AM
ORDER granting7 ,8 ,9 , &10 motions to appear pro hac vice entered by Clerk of Court. Attorneys Nathaniel C. Love, Katherine M. Surma, Tyler M. Wood, and Richard L. Brophy for Revenue Management Solutions, LLC allowed to appear pro hac vice. This entry will serve as authorization for the pro hac participation by the attorney. Western District of Missouri Local Rule 5.1 requires documents to be filed electronically. If pro hac vice counsel has not already done so, counsel is directed to immediately register for a WDMO e-filing account for NextGen CM/ECF. This will enable counsel to electronically file documents and receive electronic notification of filings. Register for a WDMO e-filing account at [LINK:PACER] . This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. (Lock, Tania)
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service Summons Issued Mon 03/03 10:04 AM
SUMMONS ISSUED as to Commerce Bank. (Woods, Gloria)
Related: [-]
Friday, February 28, 2025
11 11 notice Notice of Appearance Fri 02/28 5:23 PM
NOTICE of appearance by Tyson H. Ketchum on behalf of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC (Ketchum, Tyson)
Related: [-]
10 10 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 02/28 5:20 PM
Motion to allow Richard L. Brophy to appear pro hac vice (Pro Hac fee $100 receipt number AMOWDC-9460332) filed by Tyson H. Ketchum on behalf of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC.(Ketchum, Tyson)
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Attachment A
9 9 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 02/28 3:37 PM
Motion to allow Tyler M. Wood to appear pro hac vice (Pro Hac fee $100 receipt number AMOWDC-9460130) filed by Tyson H. Ketchum on behalf of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC. (Ketchum, Tyson)
Related: [-]
8 8 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 02/28 3:34 PM
Motion to allow Katherine M. Surma to appear pro hac vice (Pro Hac fee $100 receipt number AMOWDC-9460122) filed by Tyson H. Ketchum on behalf of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC. (Ketchum, Tyson)
Related: [-]
7 7 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 02/28 3:31 PM
Motion to allow Nathaniel C. Love to appear pro hac vice (Pro Hac fee $100 receipt number AMOWDC-9459482) filed by Tyson H. Ketchum on behalf of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC. (Ketchum, Tyson)
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6 6 order Order on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 02/28 1:30 PM
ORDER denying4 motion to appear pro hac vice entered by Clerk of Court. The court has denied your pro hac vice motion. The Movant attorney must be an active member of the Western District of Missouri. . If you still wish to proceed pro hac vice in this case, please refile your motion using the correct form. To avoid being charged a duplicate fee, please insert the receipt number issued for this motion in the receipt box on your new filing. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. (Warren, Melissa)
Related: [-]
5 5 notice Notice of MAPJ Fri 02/28 12:46 PM
Related: [-]
Att: 1 MAP General Order
4 4 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Fri 02/28 12:40 PM
Motion to allow Nathaniel C. Love to appear pro hac vice (Pro Hac fee $100 receipt number AMOWDC-9459482) filed by Richard L. Brophy on behalf of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC. (Brophy, Richard)
Related: [-]
Thursday, February 27, 2025
3 3 discov Disclosure of corporate interests Thu 02/27 6:36 PM
DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE INTERESTS of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC filed by Richard L. Brophy on behalf of Plaintiff Revenue Management Solutions, LLC.(Brophy, Richard)
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2 2 3 pgs motion Seal Document Thu 02/27 6:25 PM
MOTION to seal document1 Complaint(Sealed), and its Exhibits filed by Richard L. Brophy on behalf of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 3/13/2025 unless otherwise directed by the court. Related [+] (Brophy, Richard)
Related: [-] 1
1 1 cmp Complaint (Sealed) Thu 02/27 6:18 PM
COMPLAINT (SEALED) against Commerce Bank filed by Richard L. Brophy on behalf of Revenue Management Solutions, LLC. Filing fee $405, receipt number AMOWDC-9458360. Service due by 5/28/2025 unless otherwise directed by the court.(Brophy, Richard)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Contract,
Att: 2 Exhibit Amendment No. 3,
Att: 3 Exhibit Amendment No. 5,
Att: 4 Civil Cover Sheet