New York Western District Court
Judge:Lawrence J Vilardo
Case #: 1:25-cv-00200
Nature of Suit360 Torts - Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury
Case Filed:Mar 04, 2025
Last checked: Tuesday Mar 04, 2025 5:06 PM EST
Timothy Whitehead
LaTisha McClarin
105 Milford Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19809

Docket last updated: 8 hours ago
Tuesday, March 04, 2025
2 2 motion Proceed In Forma Pauperis Tue 03/04 4:22 PM
MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis by LaTisha McClarin.(TMK)
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1 1 5 pgs cmp Complaint Tue 03/04 4:21 PM
COMPLAINT against Timothy Whitehead, filed by LaTisha McClarin.(TMK)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Envelope
utility Remark Tue 03/04 4:26 PM
Remark: Plaintiff has been mailed a pro se packet including a privacy notice, consent to proceed before a Magistrate Judge, Pro Se Assistance Program Information, Civil Case Timeline and ADR Notification. (TMK)
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adr Automatic Referral to Mediation Tue 03/04 4:30 PM
AUTOMATIC REFERRAL TO MEDIATION Pursuant to Section 2.1(A) of the Plan for Alternative Dispute Resolution in the United States District Court for the Western District of New York (the ADR Plan), this case is automatically referred to ADR. To access the ADR Plan and for inquiries regarding the Court's ADR Program please review the Court's[LINK:ADR webpage] and/or contact the Court's ADR Administrator at[] . Prior to the Local Rule 16 scheduling conference, counsel and unrepresented parties shall review the [LINK:ADR Plan] and confer with each other regarding ADR for this case. Unless the parties agree to a different intervention, it is presumed they will participate in mediation. The parties shall be prepared to report on the outcome of their ADR discussion at the scheduling conference, as the initial Scheduling Order for this case will establish ADR deadlines in accordance with the ADR Plan. (TMK)
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