Alabama Southern District Court
Judge:Kristi K Dubose
Referred: P Bradley Murray
Case #: 1:25-cv-00094
Nature of Suit360 Torts - Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury
Case Filed:Mar 06, 2025
Case in other court:Delaware, 1:24-cv-01369
Last checked: Thursday Mar 06, 2025 5:06 PM CST
BP America Production Company
a Delaware Corporation c/o CT Corporation Systems 2 North Jackson Street, Suite 605
Montgomery, AL 36104
BP Exploration & Production Inc
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc
Transocean Deepwater Inc
Transocean Holdings LLC
Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc
a Delaware Corporation Capitol Services, Inc 1675 South Street Suite B
Dover, DE 19901
Faye Owens
Represented By
Patrick Christopher Gallagher
Jacobs & Crumplar, P.A.
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM CDT
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
notice Notice of Appearance Pro Hac Vice - B3 Cases Only Wed 03/12 2:17 PM
Notice of Appearance Pro Hac Vice by Paul C. Thibodeaux. Pursuant to the Case Management Order entered in 21-cv-5000-KD-MU-C only the pro hac vice fee is being paid. I certify that documentation has been previously filed in 24-454. ( Filing fee $ 100, Receipt number AALSDC-3580434, Online Credit Card Payment.) (Thibodeaux, Paul)
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notice Notice of Appearance Pro Hac Vice - B3 Cases Only Wed 03/12 2:19 PM
Notice of Appearance Pro Hac Vice by Kerry J. Miller. Pursuant to the Case Management Order entered in 21-cv-5000-KD-MU-C only the pro hac vice fee is being paid. I certify that documentation has been previously filed in 24-454. ( Filing fee $ 100, Receipt number AALSDC-3580436, Online Credit Card Payment.) (Miller, Kerry)
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notice Notice of Appearance Pro Hac Vice - B3 Cases Only Wed 03/12 2:21 PM
Notice of Appearance Pro Hac Vice by Dylan M. Futrell. Pursuant to the Case Management Order entered in 21-cv-5000-KD-MU-C only the pro hac vice fee is being paid. I certify that documentation has been previously filed in 24-367. ( Filing fee $ 100, Receipt number AALSDC-3580439, Online Credit Card Payment.) (Futrell, Dylan)
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Thursday, March 06, 2025
46 46 2 pgs order Order Thu 03/06 5:02 PM
SECOND OMNIBUS ORDER MODIFYING B3 CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER. Signed by Chief District Judge Jeffrey U. Beaverstock on 11/13/2023. (cjr)
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45 45 2 pgs order Order Thu 03/06 5:01 PM
OMNIBUS ORDER MODIFYING B3 CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER. Signed by Chief District Judge Jeffrey U. Beaverstock on 12/17/2021. (cjr)
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44 44 16 pgs order Order ~Util - Set Scheduling Order Deadlines ~Util - Set/Clear Flags Thu 03/06 5:00 PM
B3 CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER. Signed by District Judge Kristi K. DuBose on 08/20/2021. (cjr)
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Att: 1 Protective Order,
Att: 2 HIPAA Protective Order,
Att: 3 Attachment C
43 43 transfer Case Transferred In - District Transfer Thu 03/06 4:48 PM
Case transferred in from District of Delaware; Case Number 1:24-cv-01369. Original file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received.
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Friday, February 28, 2025
Case transferred to the Southern District of Alabama. Original file, certified copy of transfer order, and docket sheet sent. (mws) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Pro Hac Vice Attorney Kerry J. Miller, Paul C. Thibodeaux, Dylan M. Futrell for Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, and Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. (cdd) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Friday, February 14, 2025
42 42 ORDER granting29 MOTION to Transfer Case to Southern District of Alabama. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 2/14/2025. (mws) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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41 41 ANSWER to2 Complaint,, by Halliburton Energy Services, Inc..(Angelo, Jason) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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40 40 Pro Hac Vice Fee - Credit Card Payment received for R. Alan York, Esq.. ( re39 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney R. Alan York, Esq. )( Payment of $ 50, receipt number ADEDC-4615413).(Angelo, Jason) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
39 39 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney R. Alan York, Esq. - filed by Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.. (Angelo, Jason) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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38 38 Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Corporate Parent Halliburton Company for Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. filed by Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.. (Angelo, Jason) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
37 37 NOTICE of Appearance by Jason Daniel Angelo on behalf of Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Angelo, Jason) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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36 36 Pro Hac Vice Fee - Credit Card Payment received for Paul C. Thibodeaux, Kerry J. Miller, and Dylan M. Futrell. ( re35 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Paul C. Thibodeaux, Kerry J. Miller and Dylan M. Futrell )( Payment of $ 150, receipt number ADEDC-4615193).(deLeeuw, Peter) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
35 35 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Paul C. Thibodeaux, Kerry J. Miller and Dylan M. Futrell - filed by Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc.. (deLeeuw, Peter) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
34 34 Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Corporate Parent Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. for Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC; Corporate Parent Transocean Entities Holdings GmbH, Corporate Parent Transocean Ltd. for Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. filed by Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc.. (deLeeuw, Peter) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
33 33 ANSWER to2 Complaint,, by Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc..(deLeeuw, Peter) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
32 32 NOTICE of Appearance by Peter Bradford deLeeuw on behalf of Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. (deLeeuw, Peter) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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31 31 DECLARATION of Kristopher S. Ritter re29 MOTION to Transfer Case to Southern District of Alabama pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) by BP America Production Company, BP Exploration & Production, Inc., Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc..(Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit 1,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2,
Att: 3 Exhibit 3,
Att: 4 Exhibit 4,
Att: 5 Exhibit 5,
Att: 6 Exhibit 6
30 30 OPENING BRIEF in Support re29 MOTION to Transfer Case to Southern District of Alabama pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a) filed by BP America Production Company, BP Exploration & Production, Inc., Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc..Answering Brief/Response due date per Local Rules is 2/28/2025.(Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Word Count Certification
29 29 MOTION to Transfer Case to Southern District of Alabama - filed by BP America Production Company, BP Exploration & Production, Inc., Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc..(Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order,
Att: 2 Certification Pursuant to D. Del. Local Rule 7.1.1
SO ORDERED, re35 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Paul C. Thibodeaux, Kerry J. Miller and Dylan M. Futrell, filed by Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Deepwater, Inc. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 2/14/2025. (kmd) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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SO ORDERED, re39 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney R. Alan York, Esq., filed by Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 2/14/2025. (kmd) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
Thursday, February 13, 2025
28 28 ANSWER to2 Complaint,, with Jury Demand by BP America Production Company, BP Exploration & Production, Inc..(Hubbard, Antoinette) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Friday, February 07, 2025
27 27 STATUS REPORT by Faye Owens. (Gallagher, Patrick) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Wednesday, January 29, 2025
26 26 Pro Hac Vice Fee - Credit Card Payment received for Kristopher Ritter. ( re25 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Kristopher Ritter,24 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Kristopher Ritter )( Payment of $ 50, receipt number ADEDC-4602854).(Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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25 25 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Kristopher Ritter - filed by BP America Production Company. (Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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24 24 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Kristopher Ritter - filed by BP Exploration & Production, Inc.. (Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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23 23 Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Corporate Parent BP p.l.c. for BP America Production Company filed by BP America Production Company. (Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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22 22 Disclosure Statement pursuant to Rule 7.1: identifying Corporate Parent BP p.l.c. for BP Exploration & Production, Inc. filed by BP Exploration & Production, Inc.. (Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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21 21 NOTICE of Appearance by Antoinette D. Hubbard on behalf of BP America Production Company (Hubbard, Antoinette) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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20 20 NOTICE of Appearance by Antoinette D. Hubbard on behalf of BP Exploration & Production, Inc. (Hubbard, Antoinette) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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19 19 NOTICE of Appearance by Paul A. Bradley on behalf of BP America Production Company (Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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18 18 NOTICE of Appearance by Paul A. Bradley on behalf of BP Exploration & Production, Inc. (Bradley, Paul) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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SO ORDERED, re25 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Kristopher Ritter, filed by BP America Production Company,24 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney Kristopher Ritter, filed by BP Exploration & Production, Inc. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 1/29/2025. (kmd) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
Pro Hac Vice Attorney Kristopher Ritter for BP America Production Company,Kristopher Ritter for BP Exploration & Production, Inc. added for electronic noticing. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 (d)., Delaware counsel shall be the registered users of CM/ECF and shall be required to file all papers. (scs) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Monday, January 27, 2025
ORAL ORDER: Plaintiff to file a status report by 2/7/2025. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 1/27/2025. (mws) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Friday, January 24, 2025
17 17 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorney C. David Durkee and Jason Frank - filed by Faye Owens.(Gallagher, Patrick) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Jason Frank, Esq.
16 16 Pro Hac Vice Fee - Credit Card Payment received for C. David Durkee and Jason Frank. ( Payment of $ 100, receipt number ADEDC-4598629).(Gallagher, Patrick) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
SO ORDERED, re17 MOTIONS for Pro Hac Vice Appearance of Attorneys C. David Durkee and Jason Frank, filed by Faye Owens. Ordered by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 1/24/2025. (kmd) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Thursday, December 19, 2024
Remark: This case was opened when remanded from Louisiana Eastern, 2:24-cv-01727. The original Case Number in Delaware District is 24-cv-724. (mws) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Case Assigned to Judge Colm F. Connolly. Please include the initials of the Judge (CFC) after the case number on all documents filed. (rjb) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Monday, December 16, 2024
15 15 Local Counsel Letter sent. Notice of Compliance deadline set for 1/15/2025. (jfm) [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
14 14 Record of case transferred in from District of Louisiana Eastern; Case Number in Other District: 2:24-cv-01727. Copy of Docket Sheet and original file [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Thursday, December 12, 2024
13 13 REMAND ORDER: Action is remanded back to the District of Delaware by MDL Panel. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to Rule 10.4(a), the parties shall furnish the Clerk for the Eastern District of Louisiana with a stipulation or designation of the contents of the record to be remanded. Signed by Clerk of MDL Panel(my)(Originally filed as rec doc 27848 in 10md2179) [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Tuesday, July 16, 2024
12 12 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed; waiver sent to Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. on 7/9/2024, answer due 9/9/2024. (Durkee, Charles) [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
11 11 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed; waiver sent to BP America Production Company on 7/9/2024, answer due 9/9/2024; BP Exploration & Production Inc. on 7/9/2024, answer due 9/9/2024. (Durkee, Charles) [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Friday, July 12, 2024
10 10 CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER FOR THE B3 BUNDLE. Signed by Judge Carl J Barbier.(cg) [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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9 9 ORDER Regarding Filing Requests for Summons and Summons Returns; ORDERED that requests for summons shall be filed in the docket for the member case, as opposed to the master docket. FURTHER ORDERED that summons returns shall not be filed into any docket, master or member, unless filing the summons return becomes necessary (for example, in connection with a motion for default judgment). When it is necessary to file a summons return, the attorney shall avoid filing the summons return as a separate, stand-alone document in the master docket. Instead, the summons return shall be filed as an exhibit to the motion, etc., to which it relates. (Doc #10204 in 10-md-2179). Signed by Judge Carl J Barbier.(cg) [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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8 8 PRETRIAL ORDERS #1, #11, #12 1st Amended, #25, #31, #41 2nd Amended, #68,#68 1st Amended. Signed by Judge Carl J Barbier.(cg) [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 PTO 11,
Att: 2 PTO 12 1st Amended,
Att: 3 PTO 25,
Att: 4 PTO 31,
Att: 5 PTO 41 2nd Amended,
Att: 6 PTO 68,
Att: 7 PTO 68 1st Amended
Thursday, July 11, 2024
7 7 Case transferred in from District of Delaware; Case Number 1:24-cv-00724. Electronic file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received (my) [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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6 6 CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-151) by the UNITED STATES JUDICIAL PANEL ON MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION RE: MDL 2179 (nmf) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Cases transferred to the Eastern District of Louisiana as part of MDL No. 2179. Associated Cases: 1:24-cv-00724-CFC, 1:24-cv-00755-CFC(nmf) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Thursday, June 27, 2024
5 5 REDACTED VERSION of2 Complaint,, by Faye Owens.(Gallagher, Patrick) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Att: 1 Exhibit Slip Sheet for Exhibit 1,
Att: 2 Exhibit Slip Sheet for Exhibit 2,
Att: 3 Exhibit Slip Sheet for Exhibit 4,
Att: 4 Exhibit Slip Sheet for Exhibit 5,
Att: 5 Exhibit Slip Sheet for Exhibit 6,
Att: 6 Exhibit Slip Sheet for Exhibit 7,
Att: 7 Exhibit Slip Sheet for Exhibit 12,
Att: 8 Exhibit Slip Sheet for Exhibit 13
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
4 4 STANDING ORDER REGARDING BRIEFING IN ALL CASES. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 11/10/2022. (kmd) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Case Assigned to Judge Colm F. Connolly. Please include the initials of the Judge (CFC) after the case number on all documents filed. (rjb) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Thursday, June 20, 2024
SO ORDERED, re1 Plaintiff's Ex Parte MOTION for a Protective Order to File the Complaint and Confidential Exhibits Under Seal. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that: 1. Plaintiff shall file an unredacted version of the Complaint and Confidential Exhibits 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 13 under seal; and 2. Plaintiff shall file a redacted version of the Complaint and confidential slip sheets for the confidential exhibits within seven (7) days. Signed by Judge Colm F. Connolly on 6/20/2024. (nmf) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Remark: Case submitted for routine judicial assignment. (jfm) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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Wednesday, June 19, 2024
3 3 Notice, Consent and Referral forms re: U.S. Magistrate Judge jurisdiction. (jfm) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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2 2 [SEALED] COMPLAINT filed with Jury Demand against BP America Production Co., BP Exploration & Production Inc., Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., Transocean Deepwater Inc., Transocean Holdings, LLC, Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. (Filing fee $ 405, receipt number ADEDC-4433514.) - filed by Faye Owens.(jfm) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Exhibit 1,
Att: 2 Exhibit 2,
Att: 3 Exhibit 4,
Att: 4 Exhibit 5,
Att: 5 Exhibit 6,
Att: 6 Exhibit 7,
Att: 7 Exhibit 12,
Att: 8 Exhibit 13,
Att: 9 Civil Cover Sheet
1 1 Plaintiff's Ex Parte MOTION for a Protective Order to File the Complaint and Confidential Exhibits Under Seal - filed by Faye Owens.(jfm) Modified on 7/1/2024 (nmf). [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
Related: [-]
Att: 1 Text of Proposed Order
No Summons Issued. (jfm) [Transferred from ded on 7/11/2024.] [Transferred from Louisiana Eastern on 12/16/2024.] [Transferred from Delaware on 3/6/2025.]
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