Oklahoma Western District Court
Judge:Patrick R Wyrick
Referred: Suzanne Mitchell
Case #: 5:25-cv-00305
Nature of Suit550 Prisoner Petitions - Habeas Corpus - Civil Rights
Cause42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights
Case Filed:Mar 10, 2025

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Docket last updated: 23 minutes ago
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
6 6 4 pgs order Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Tue 03/11 10:13 AM
ORDER granting2 Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. Plaintiff must pay an initial partial filing fee of $40.00 by 4/1/25. Plaintiff shall make monthly payments until he has paid the full $350.00 filing fee. The Court instructs Plaintiff to file a corrected complaint by 4/1/25. The Clerk of Court shall not issue process until further order of the Court, and the Clerk shall send a copy of this order to the agency having custody of Plaintiff. Signed by Magistrate Judge Suzanne Mitchell on 3/11/25. (lb)
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Monday, March 10, 2025
5 5 1 pgs order Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Mon 03/10 4:31 PM
ENTER ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Suzanne Mitchell. Signed by Deputy Clerk on 03/10/2025. (naa)
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4 4 1 pgs order Order Reassigning Case Mon 03/10 4:30 PM
ENTER ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge Patrick R Wyrick for all further proceedings. Chief Judge Timothy D. DeGiusti no longer assigned to case Signed by Deputy Clerk on 03/10/2025. (naa)
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3 3 misc Previous Cases Mon 03/10 4:10 PM
PREVIOUS Cases (naa)
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2 2 motion Proceed In Forma Pauperis Mon 03/10 4:04 PM
MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis by Paul Edward Thomas.(naa)
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Att: 1 Attachment 1 - Inmate Account History,
Att: 2 Attachment 2 - Offender Statement Report,
Att: 3 Envelope
1 1 cmp Complaint Mon 03/10 3:53 PM
COMPLAINT against FNU Brown, CERT members, L Chibbity, FNU Hart, FNU Hood, FNU Pratt, FNU Rodgers, FNU Roody, H Wallace filed by Paul Edward Thomas.(naa)
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Att: 1 Attachment 1 - Memorandum,
Att: 2 Envelope