New York Southern District Court
Judge:Philip M Halpern
Case #: 7:25-cv-02036
Nature of Suit442 Civil Rights - Employment
Cause42:2000e-2sx Job Discrimination (Sex)
Case Filed:Mar 11, 2025
Last checked: Tuesday Mar 11, 2025 5:08 PM EDT
Casey Dunkez
Harold Dunkez
Kate Dunkez
Dunkez Private Home Care Inc.
Tiffany Wilkerson
Represented By
Erica Tracy Kagan
Filippatos PLLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/26/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Monday, March 17, 2025
17 17 service Summons Issued Mon 03/17 3:35 PM
ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to Kate Dunkez, Kate Dunkez..(jgo)
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16 16 service Summons Issued Mon 03/17 3:35 PM
ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to Harold Dunkez, Harold Dunkez..(jgo)
Related: [-]
15 15 service Summons Issued Mon 03/17 3:34 PM
ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to Dunkez Private Home Care Inc...(jgo)
Related: [-]
14 14 service Summons Issued Mon 03/17 3:33 PM
ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to Casey Dunkez, Casey Dunkez..(jgo)
Related: [-]
Friday, March 14, 2025
13 13 service Request for Issuance of Summons Fri 03/14 4:08 PM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to Casey Dunkez, re:9 Amended Complaint,. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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12 12 service Request for Issuance of Summons Fri 03/14 4:07 PM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to Harold Dunkez, re:9 Amended Complaint,. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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11 11 service Request for Issuance of Summons Fri 03/14 4:06 PM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to Kate Dunkez, re:9 Amended Complaint,. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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10 10 service Request for Issuance of Summons Fri 03/14 4:03 PM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to DUNKEZ PRIVATE HOME CARE, Inc., re:9 Amended Complaint,. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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9 9 cmp Amended Complaint Fri 03/14 3:49 PM
FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT amending1 Complaint, against Casey Dunkez, Harold Dunkez, Kate Dunkez, Casey Dunkez (Professional), Harold Dunkez (Professional), Kate Dunkez (Professional), Dunkez Private Home Care Inc. with JURY DEMAND.Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson. Related document:1 Complaint,..(Kagan, Erica)
Related: [-]
misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Deficient Pleading Fri 03/14 2:53 PM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING DEFICIENT PLEADING. Notice to Attorney Erica Tracy Kagan to RE-FILE re: Document No. 4 Amended Complaint. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): the PDF attached to the docket entry for the pleading is not correct; the PDF is titled 'Complaint'; all of the parties listed on the pleading were not entered on CM ECF; add defendants in their professional capacities; all of the parties whom the pleading is against were not selected. Docket the event type Add Party to Pleading found under the event list Complaints and Other Initiating Documents.. Re-file the pleading using the event type Amended Complaint found under the event list Complaints and Other Initiating Documents - attach the correct signed PDF - select the individually named filer/filers - select the individually named party/parties the pleading is against. (jgo)
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misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Deficient Request for Issuance of Summons Fri 03/14 2:54 PM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING DEFICIENT REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS. Notice to Attorney Erica Tracy Kagan to RE-FILE Document No. 7 Request for Issuance of Summons, 6 Request for Issuance of Summons, 5 Request for Issuance of Summons, 8 Request for Issuance of Summons. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): the PDF attached to the docket entry for the issuance of summons is not correct; summons request was not processed due to deficient pleading;. Re-file the document using the event type Request for Issuance of Summons found under the event list Service of Process - select the correct filer/filers - and attach the correct summons form PDF. (jgo)
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utility Add Party for Pleading Fri 03/14 3:45 PM
ADD PARTY FOR PLEADING. Defendants/Respondents Kate Dunkez (Professional), Harold Dunkez (Professional), Casey Dunkez (Professional) added. Party added pursuant to4 Amended Complaint,.Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson. Related document:4 Amended Complaint,..(Kagan, Erica)
Related: [-]
Thursday, March 13, 2025
8 8 service Request for Issuance of Summons Thu 03/13 11:37 AM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to CASEY DUNKEZ, re:4 Amended Complaint. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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7 7 service Request for Issuance of Summons Thu 03/13 11:36 AM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to HAROLD DUNKEZ, re:4 Amended Complaint. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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6 6 service Request for Issuance of Summons Thu 03/13 11:34 AM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to KATE DUNKEZ, re:4 Amended Complaint. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
Related: [-]
5 5 service Request for Issuance of Summons Thu 03/13 11:31 AM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to DUNKEZ PRIVATE HOME CARE, Inc., re:4 Amended Complaint. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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4 4 cmp Amended Complaint Thu 03/13 11:28 AM
FILING ERROR - DEFICIENT PLEADING - FILED AGAINST PARTY ERROR FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT amending1 Complaint, against Casey Dunkez, Harold Dunkez, Kate Dunkez, Dunkez Private Home Care Inc. with JURY DEMAND.Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson. Related document:1 Complaint,..(Kagan, Erica) Modified on 3/14/2025 (jgo)
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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Party Modification Wed 03/12 8:58 AM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING PARTY MODIFICATION. Notice to attorney Erica Tracy Kagan. The party information for the following party/parties has been modified: Casey Dunkez(Professional Capacity ), Casey Dunkez(Individual Capacity ), Harold Dunkez(Individual Capacity ), Harold Dunkez (Professional Capacity ), Kate Dunkez (Professional Capacity ), Kate Dunkez (Individual Capacity ). The information for the party/parties has been modified for the following reason/reasons: party text removed. (vf)
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misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Removal of Party Wed 03/12 8:59 AM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING REMOVAL OF PARTY. Notice to attorney Erica Tracy Kagan. The following party/parties has been removed from this case: Casey Dunkez, Harold Dunkez, Kate Dunkez. The party was added to the case in error. (vf)
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notice Case Opening Initial Assignment Notice Wed 03/12 9:03 AM
CASE OPENING INITIAL ASSIGNMENT NOTICE: The above-entitled action is assigned to Judge Philip M. Halpern. Please download and review the Individual Practices of the assigned District Judge, located at[LINK:] . Attorneys are responsible for providing courtesy copies to judges where their Individual Practices require such. Please download and review the ECF Rules and Instructions, located at[LINK:] ..(vf)
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utility Case Designation Wed 03/12 9:03 AM
Magistrate Judge Victoria Reznik is designated to handle matters that may be referred in this case. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 636(c) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 73(b)(1) parties are notified that they may consent to proceed before a United States Magistrate Judge. Parties who wish to consent may access the necessary form at the following link:[LINK:] . (vf)
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utility Case Designated ECF Wed 03/12 9:04 AM
Case Designated ECF. (vf)
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misc Notice to Attorney Regarding Deficient Request for Issuance of Summons Wed 03/12 9:11 AM
***NOTICE TO ATTORNEY REGARDING DEFICIENT REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS. Notice to Attorney Erica Tracy Kagan to RE-FILE Document No. 3 Request for Issuance of Summons. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): the PDF attached to the docket entry for the issuance of summons is not correct; Docket Entry Error. Enter the party name as to whom summons is issued for when prompted in ECF. Re-file the document using the event type Request for Issuance of Summons found under the event list Service of Process - select the correct filer/filers - and attach the correct summons form PDF. (vf)
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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
3 3 service Request for Issuance of Summons Tue 03/11 4:38 PM
REQUEST FOR ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS as to Dunkez Private Home Care Inc., Casey Dunkez (Professional Capacity & Individual Capacity), Harold Dunkez (Professional Capacity & Individual Capacity), Kate Dunkez (Professional Capacity & Individual Capacity), re:1 Complaint,. Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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2 2 misc Civil Cover Sheet Tue 03/11 4:29 PM
CIVIL COVER SHEET filed..(Kagan, Erica)
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1 1 cmp Complaint Tue 03/11 4:23 PM
COMPLAINT against Casey Dunkez(Professional Capacity ), Casey Dunkez(Individual Capacity ), Harold Dunkez(Individual Capacity ), Harold Dunkez (Professional Capacity ), Kate Dunkez (Professional Capacity ), Kate Dunkez (Individual Capacity ), Dunkez Private Home Care Inc.. (Filing Fee $ 405.00, Receipt Number ANYSDC-30749318)Document filed by Tiffany Wilkerson..(Kagan, Erica)
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