California Central District Court
Judge:Andre Birotte Jr
Referred: Karen L Stevenson
Case #: 2:25-cv-02268
Nature of Suit160 Contract - Stockholders’ Suits
Cause15:78m(a) Securities Exchange Act
Case Filed:Mar 13, 2025
Last checked: Friday Mar 14, 2025 8:09 AM PDT
Lise Buyer
Andrea Cunningham
Kathryn Falberg
Jeff Green
Samantha Jacobson
Gokul Rajaram
Laura Schenkein
The Trade Desk, Inc.
David Wells
Daniel Jong
Represented By
Robert C. Moest
The Brown Law Firm PC
contact info

Docket last updated: 10 hours ago
Monday, March 24, 2025
19 19 notice Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties Mon 03/24 8:27 PM
Certification and NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Defendants Lise Buyer, Andrea Cunningham, Kathryn Falberg, Jeff Green, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, Laura Schenkein, The Trade Desk, Inc., David Wells, identifying Plaintiff: Daniel Jong; Defendants: The Trade Desk, Inc., Jeff T. Green, Laura Schenkein, Lise J. Buyer, Andrea L. Cunningham, Kathryn E. Falberg, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, David B. Wells; Defendants' Insurance Carriers: Allianz, Travelers, Berkley Insurance Co., Berkshire, Starr, CNA, Zurich, Nationwide, RSUI, Ascot, SwissRe, Westfield, Everest, RLI, Lloyds/Beazley, Lloyds/Tegron. (Crosson, Benjamin)
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18 18 notice Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (G-123) Mon 03/24 8:11 PM
Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Jessica L Snorgrass counsel for Defendants Lise Buyer, Andrea Cunningham, Kathryn Falberg, Jeff Green, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, Laura Schenkein, The Trade Desk, Inc., David Wells. Adding Jessica L. Snorgrass as counsel of record for Jeff T. Green, Laura Schenkein, Lisa J. Buyer, Andrea L. Cunningham, Kathryn E. Falberg, Gokul Rajaram, David B. Wells, Samantha Jacobsen, and The Trade Desk, Inc. for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendants Jeff T. Green, Laura Schenkein, Lise J. Buyer, Andrea L. Cunningham, Kathryn E. Falberg, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, David B. Wells, and The Trade Desk, Inc.. (Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party Lise Buyer(pty:dft), Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party Andrea Cunningham(pty:dft), Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party Kathryn Falberg(pty:dft), Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party Jeff Green(pty:dft), Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party Samantha Jacobson(pty:dft), Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party Gokul Rajaram(pty:dft), Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party Laura Schenkein(pty:dft), Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party The Trade Desk, Inc.(pty:dft), Attorney Jessica L Snorgrass added to party David Wells(pty:dft))(Snorgrass, Jessica)
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17 17 notice Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (G-123) Mon 03/24 7:59 PM
Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Benjamin M Crosson counsel for Defendants Lise Buyer, Andrea Cunningham, Kathryn Falberg, Jeff Green, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, Laura Schenkein, The Trade Desk, Inc., David Wells. Adding Benjamin M. Crosson as counsel of record for Jeff T. Green, Laura Schenkein, Lisa J. Buyer, Andrea L. Cunningham, Kathryn E. Falberg, Gokul Rajaram, David B. Wells, Samantha Jacobsen, and The Trade Desk, Inc. for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendants Jeff T. Green, Laura Schenkein, Lise J. Buyer, Andrea L. Cunningham, Kathryn E. Falberg, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, David B. Wells, and The Trade Desk, Inc.. (Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party Lise Buyer(pty:dft), Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party Andrea Cunningham(pty:dft), Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party Kathryn Falberg(pty:dft), Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party Jeff Green(pty:dft), Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party Samantha Jacobson(pty:dft), Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party Gokul Rajaram(pty:dft), Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party Laura Schenkein(pty:dft), Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party The Trade Desk, Inc.(pty:dft), Attorney Benjamin M Crosson added to party David Wells(pty:dft))(Crosson, Benjamin)
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16 16 notice Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (G-123) Mon 03/24 7:50 PM
Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Caz Hashemi counsel for Defendants Lise Buyer, Andrea Cunningham, Kathryn Falberg, Jeff Green, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, Laura Schenkein, The Trade Desk, Inc., David Wells. Adding Caz Hashemi as counsel of record for Jeff T. Green, Laura Schenkein, Lise J. Buyer, Andrea L. Cunningham, Kathryn E. Falberg, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, David B. Wells, and The Trade Desk, Inc. for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendants Jeff T. Green, Laura Schenkein, Lise J. Buyer, Andrea L. Cunningham, Kathryn E. Falberg, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, David B. Wells, and The Trade Desk, Inc.. (Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party Lise Buyer(pty:dft), Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party Andrea Cunningham(pty:dft), Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party Kathryn Falberg(pty:dft), Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party Jeff Green(pty:dft), Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party Samantha Jacobson(pty:dft), Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party Gokul Rajaram(pty:dft), Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party Laura Schenkein(pty:dft), Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party The Trade Desk, Inc.(pty:dft), Attorney Caz Hashemi added to party David Wells(pty:dft))(Hashemi, Caz)
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Thursday, March 20, 2025
15 15 order Initial Order upon Filing of Complaint - form only Thu 03/20 1:48 PM
STANDING ORDER upon filing of the complaint by Judge Andre Birotte Jr. (dta)
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Tuesday, March 18, 2025
14 14 service USM-285 Service of S/C - (21 days) Executed Tue 03/18 1:45 PM
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of summons and Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)1 upon The Trade Desk, Inc. served on 3/17/2025, answer due 4/7/2025, served by Personal delivery service, by Federal statute, upon Kris Kennison, designated agent for service for The Trade Desk, Inc.. Remarks: None. (Moest, Robert)
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Friday, March 14, 2025
13 13 service Summons Issued (Attorney Civil Case Opening) Fri 03/14 1:23 PM
21 DAY Summons Issued re Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)6 as to Defendants Lise Buyer, Andrea Cunningham, Kathryn Falberg, Jeff Green, Samantha Jacobson, Gokul Rajaram, Laura Schenkein, The Trade Desk, Inc., David Wells. (et)
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12 12 notice Notice to Counsel Re: Consent to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge - optional html form Fri 03/14 1:01 PM
Notice to Counsel Re Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge. (et)
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11 11 adr Notice to Parties of Court-Directed ADR Program (ADR-8) - optional html form Fri 03/14 1:00 PM
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10 10 notice Notice of Assignment to United States Judges (CV-18) - optional html form Fri 03/14 1:00 PM
NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Andre Birotte Jr and Magistrate Judge Karen L. Stevenson. (et)
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9 9 notice Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties Fri 03/14 10:24 AM
CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by plaintiff Daniel Jong, (Moest, Robert)
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8 8 notice Summons Request Fri 03/14 10:22 AM
Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)6 filed by plaintiff Daniel Jong. (Moest, Robert)
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7 7 misc Civil Cover Sheet (CV-71) Fri 03/14 10:21 AM
CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Plaintiff Daniel Jong. (Moest, Robert)
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6 6 68 pgs cmp Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening) Fri 03/14 10:19 AM
COMPLAINT with filing fee previously paid ($405 paid on 03/13/2025, receipt number 39298213), filed by plaintiff Daniel Jong.(Moest, Robert)
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5 5 misc Errata Fri 03/14 10:16 AM
NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Plaintiff Daniel Jong. correcting Summons Request3 , Civil Cover Sheet (CV-71)2 , Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties4 , Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)1 (Moest, Robert)
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Thursday, March 13, 2025
4 4 notice Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties Thu 03/13 8:57 PM
CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by plaintiff Daniel Jong, (Moest, Robert)
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3 3 notice Summons Request Thu 03/13 8:56 PM
Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening)1 filed by plaintiff Daniel Jong. (Moest, Robert)
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2 2 misc Civil Cover Sheet (CV-71) Thu 03/13 8:54 PM
CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Plaintiff Daniel Jong. (Moest, Robert)
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1 1 58 pgs cmp Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening) Thu 03/13 8:53 PM
COMPLAINT Receipt No: ACACDC-39298213 - Fee: $405, filed by plaintiff Daniel Jong. (Attorney Robert C. Moest added to party Daniel Jong(pty:pla))(Moest, Robert)
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