Nebraska District Court
Judge:John M Gerrard
Case #: 8:25-cv-00192
Nature of Suit550 Prisoner Petitions - Habeas Corpus - Civil Rights
Cause42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights
Case Filed:Mar 14, 2025

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Docket last updated: 03/24/2025 11:59 PM CDT
Monday, March 24, 2025
4 4 order Memorandum and Order ~Util - Set/Reset Pro Se Case Management Deadlines Mon 03/24 11:36 AM
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER - Plaintiff is directed to submit the $405.00 fees to the Clerk's office or submit a request to proceed in forma pauperis within 30 days. Failure to take either action will result in dismissal of this matter without further notice. The Clerk of the Court is directed to send to Plaintiff the Form AO240 ("Application to Proceed Without Prepayment of Fees and Affidavit"). ***Pro Se Case Management Deadlines: ( Pro Se Case Management Deadline set for 4/23/2025: Check for MIFP or payment) Ordered by Senior Judge John M. Gerrard. (Copy mailed to pro se party with AO240 form)(MKR)
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Monday, March 17, 2025
3 3 3 pgs order Order - Pro Se GO 2025-01 Mon 03/17 5:03 PM
GENERAL ORDER NO. 2025-01: This general order provides for the management and assignment of cases filed by a plaintiff or petitioner without counsel. This general order also includes the definition of the pro se docket, responsibilities of the pro se law clerks and scheduling and discovery requirements in pro se cases. Ordered by Chief Judge Robert F. Rossiter, Jr. (Copy mailed to pro se party)(MKR)
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2 2 oth_evt Notice by Clerk (Pro Se Case) Mon 03/17 5:02 PM
NOTICE by Clerk acknowledging receipt of complaint filed by a pro se party. (MKR)
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Friday, March 14, 2025
1 1 cmp Complaint - Pro Se Mon 03/17 5:00 PM
COMPLAINT against Jessica Acosta, Brian Anderson, Andy, Armstrong, Batalion, Bower, Drue L. Bower, Dustin H. Bower, Justin R. Bower, Pierce L. Bower, Valerie Noble Bower, Crystle Brown, Keneth Buckingham, Andrew Carico, Devin Choat, Claudius, Patrick Condon, Taylor Daro, Kim Dumass, Tony Green, Gregery, Gustusen, Hartman, Hastings NE, Lindsy Hemberger, Elezebeth Hickman, Hoffman, Howard, Kim Iseble, Grant Jensen, Gina Johnson, Austin Jordi, Melissa King, Richard Kopf, Ashely Lefty, Anna Lewis, Malinda, Cody Miller, Todd C. Molvar, Evon Moods, Kern Paulson, Quarry, Eric Stiegert, Brenda Mae Stinson, Jay Glenn Stinson, Jean Stinson, Roilyn Stinson, Ryan Stinson, Spencer Stinson, Tyler Stinson, Tammy, Lee Timan, Timm, Trevor, Turner, Christopher Turner, Wagner, Terri Wagner and Wentz; no Summons issued, filed on behalf of Plaintiff Austin Edward Lightfeather. (MKR)
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