Fri 03/21 9:02 AM
NOTICE TO COUNSEL AND PARTIES: The Middle District of Florida's revised Local Rules become effective April 1, 2024, and can be found on the Court's public website https://www.flmd.uscourts.gov/local-rules. Additionally, the undersigned has issued Standing Orders, available at https://www.flmd.uscourts.gov/judges/wendy-berger, that apply to all proceedings before the undersigned. For a just and efficient resolution of this case, the parties are DIRECTED to read and comply with the Middle District of Florida's Local Rules and this Court's Standing Orders. See Local Rule 1.01(a). Failure to comply with ANY Local Rules or Court Orders may result in the imposition of sanctions including, but not limited to, the dismissal of this action or entry of default without further notice. Signed by Judge Wendy W. Berger on 3/21/2025. (CKS)
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