Nevada District Court
Judge:Brenda Weksler
Case #: 2:25-cv-00505
Nature of Suit864 Social Security - SSID Title XVI
Cause42:205 Denial Social Security Benefits
Case Filed:Mar 18, 2025

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Docket last updated: 03/27/2025 11:59 PM PDT
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
6 6 cmp Complaint Tue 03/25 3:48 PM
COMPLAINT against Leland Dudek by Maria D.R.M. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 4/4/2025. Proof of service due by 6/23/2025. (ALZ)
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5 5 2 pgs order Order on Motion/Application to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Tue 03/25 3:43 PM
ORDER. IT IS ORDERED that: Plaintiff's 1 request to proceed in forma pauperis is GRANTED. The Clerk of Court must detach and file the Complaint (at ECF No. 1 -1) on the docket. The Clerk of Court shall provide notice of this action to the Commissioner pursuant to Rule 3 of the Supplemental Rules for Social Security. Signed by Magistrate Judge Brenda Weksler on 3/21/2025. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ALZ)
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Wednesday, March 19, 2025
4 4 notice Option to Decline MJ - FORM Wed 03/19 10:50 AM
OPTION TO DECLINE MAGISTRATE JUDGE OVERSEEING YOUR CASE. The attached form must be filed in the docket or received by the Clerk within 21 days of your first appearance in the case should you choose to decline consent. (A copy of the form has been mailed to parties not receiving electronic service.) (CAH)
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3 3 misc General Orders regarding MJ assignment Wed 03/19 10:47 AM
GENERAL ORDER 2023-12 IN RE: DIRECT ASSIGNMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY CASES TO U.S. MAGISTRATE JUDGES PURSUANT TO 28 U.S.C. § 636. (A copy of the General Order has been mailed to parties not receiving electronic service.) (CAH)
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Tuesday, March 18, 2025
2 2 misc Certificate Interested Parties Tue 03/18 3:28 PM
CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties by Maria Del Rocio Marin. There are no known interested parties other than those participating in the case (Kalagian, Marc)
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1 1 motion Motion/Application Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Tue 03/18 3:26 PM
MOTION/APPLICATION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis by Plaintiff Maria Del Rocio Marin.(Kalagian, Marc)
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Att: 1 Complaint,
Att: 2 Civil Cover Sheet
utility Assign Judges in Civil Case Wed 03/19 10:43 AM
Case randomly assigned to Magistrate Judge Brenda Weksler. (CAH)
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