Wisconsin Eastern District Court
Judge:Lynn Adelman
Case #: 2:25-cv-00422
Nature of Suit440 Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights
Cause28:1441 Petition for Removal- Civil Rights Act
Case Filed:Mar 19, 2025
Last checked: Thursday Mar 20, 2025 2:37 AM CDT
Marrio Barnes
Represented By
Kelly L Mangan
Crivello Carlson Sc
contact info
Serena Bethley
Represented By
Kelly L Mangan
Crivello Carlson Sc
contact info
LaKeidra Madison
Represented By
Kelly L Mangan
Crivello Carlson Sc
contact info
Nikki Primm
Represented By
Kelly L Mangan
Crivello Carlson Sc
contact info
Anna Quintero
Represented By
Kelly L Mangan
Crivello Carlson Sc
contact info
Marquetta Treadway
Represented By
Kelly L Mangan
Crivello Carlson Sc
contact info
Derek Weiler
Represented By
Kelly L Mangan
Crivello Carlson Sc
contact info
Kendra Matthews

Docket last updated: 03/27/2025 11:59 PM CDT
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
10 10 misc Declaration Wed 03/26 5:13 PM
DECLARATION of Zachary J. Flood in Support of Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to Amend Summons and Complaint(Flood, Zachary)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - copy of the Notice of Appearance filed by Attorney Agatha K. Raynor on behalf of Defendants Serena Bethly, Lakeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, and A. Quintero,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - copy of Defendants Serena Bethly, Lakeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, and A. Quinteros Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs December 27, 2024, complaint and their Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss,
Att: 3 Exhibit C - Notice of Hearing regarding the motion,
Att: 4 Exhibit D - opy of the Notice of Appearance filed by Attorney Agatha K. Raynor on behalf of Defendants Marrio Barnes and Derrick Wielder,
Att: 5 Exhibit E - copy of Defendants Serena Bethly, Lakeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, Marrio Barnes, Derrick Wielder, and A. Quinteros Brief in Support of their Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs January 17, 2025, Amended Complaint, and her January 23, 2025, Second Amended Complaint,
Att: 6 Exhibit F - copy of the Notice of Hearing regarding Defendants Serena Bethly, Lakeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, Marrio Barnes, Derrick Wielder, and A. Quinteros Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs January 17, 2025, Amended Complaint, and her January 23, 2025, Second Amended Complaint,
Att: 7 Certificate of Service
9 9 respm Brief in Opposition to Motion Wed 03/26 4:58 PM
BRIEF in Opposition filed by Marrio Barnes, A Quintero, Serena Bethley, LaKeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, Derek Wielder re6 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time of Their Deadlines to Respond to Plaintiff's Motions for Leave to Amend Her Complaint 1.Defendants Brief in Opposition to Plaintiffs Motion for Leave to Amend her Complaint . (Flood, Zachary)
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8 8 misc Consent/Refusal to Jurisdiction by US Magistrate Judge Wed 03/26 10:48 AM
Magistrate Judge Jurisdiction Form filed by Kendra Matthews. (NOTICE: Pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 73 this document is not viewable by the judge.) (jcl)
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Monday, March 24, 2025
7 7 misc Declaration Mon 03/24 4:58 PM
DECLARATION of Zachary J. Flood in Support of Defendants' C.L.R.7(h) Expedited Motion for an Extension of Their Deadlines to Respond to Plaintiff's Motions for Leave to Amend Her Complaint(Flood, Zachary)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - copy of the Notice of Motion and Motion to Amend the Complaint, supporting brief, and proposed amended pleading Plaintiff filed on 2-21-25,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - copy of the Notice of Motion and Motion for Leave to Amend the Complaint, supporting brief, and proposed amended pleading Plaintiff filed on 3-5-25,
Att: 3 Exhibit C -copies of the Notices of Motion Hearings the state court issued on 3-19-25,
Att: 4 Certificate of Service
6 6 motion Extension of Time Mon 03/24 4:52 PM
Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time of Their Deadlines to Respond to Plaintiff's Motions for Leave to Amend Her Complaint by Marrio Barnes, A Quintero, Serena Bethley, LaKeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, Derek Wielder. (Flood, Zachary)
Related: [-]
5 5 notice Notice of Appearance Mon 03/24 4:50 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Zachary J Flood on behalf of Marrio Barnes, A Quintero, Serena Bethley, LaKeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, Derek Wielder. (Flood, Zachary)
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Thursday, March 20, 2025
4 4 misc Letter from Clerk re Consent to Magistrate Thu 03/20 8:52 AM
LETTER from the clerk to plaintiff Kendra Matthews re Consent/Refusal to Magistrate Judge Stephen C. Dries and requesting that the consent/refusal form be filed within 21 days. (jcl)
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notice Notice of Judge Assignment Thu 03/20 8:42 AM
NOTICE Regarding assignment of this matter to Judge Lynn Adelman; Consent/refusal forms for Magistrate Judge Dries to be filed within 21 days; the consent/refusal form is available[LINK:here.] (jcl)
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Wednesday, March 19, 2025
16 16 respm Brief in Support of Motion Thu 03/27 10:36 AM
BRIEF in Support filed by Marrio Barnes, A Quintero, Serena Bethley, LaKeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, Derek Wielder re15 MOTION to Dismiss. FILED IN STATE COURT. (amb)
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15 15 motion Dismiss Thu 03/27 10:35 AM
MOTION to Dismiss11 and13 Motions to Amend Summons and Complaint by Marrio Barnes, A Quintero, Serena Bethley, LaKeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway, Nikki Primm, Derek Wielder. FILED IN STATE COURT. (amb)
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14 14 respm Brief in Support of Motion Thu 03/27 10:32 AM
BRIEF in Support filed by Kendra Matthews re13 MOTION to Amend Summons and Complaint. FILED IN STATE COURT. (amb)
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13 13 motion Amend/Correct Thu 03/27 10:31 AM
MOTION to Amend Summons and Complaint by Kendra Matthews. FILED IN STATE COURT.(amb)
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Att: 1 Amended Summons,
Att: 2 Amended Complaint
12 12 respm Brief in Support of Motion Thu 03/27 10:27 AM
BRIEF in Support filed by Kendra Matthews re11 MOTION to Amend Summons and Complaint. FILED IN STATE COURT. (amb)
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11 11 motion Amend/Correct Thu 03/27 10:25 AM
MOTION to Amend Summons and Complaint by Kendra Matthews. FILED IN STATE COURT.(amb)
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Att: 1 Amended Summons,
Att: 2 Amended Complaint
3 3 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 03/19 8:11 PM
NOTICE of Appearance by Kelly L Mangan on behalf of All Defendants. Attorney(s) appearing: Kelly Mangan (Mangan, Kelly)
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2 2 misc Disclosure Statement Wed 03/19 8:10 PM
DISCLOSURE Statement by All Defendants. (Mangan, Kelly)
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1 1 notice Notice of Removal Wed 03/19 8:06 PM
NOTICE OF REMOVAL by Nikki Primm, Serena Bethley, Derek Weiler, Marrio Barnes, Anna Quintero, LaKeidra Madison, Marquetta Treadway from Milwaukee County Circuit Court, Case Number: 2024cv10461 with attached state court documents. (Filing Fee PAID $405 receipt number AWIEDC-4910862)(Mangan, Kelly)
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Att: 1 Exhibit A - Summons and Complaint - docket 1,
Att: 2 Exhibit B - Amended Summons and Complaint - docket 17,
Att: 3 Exhibit C - Second Amended Summons and Complaint - docket 18,
Att: 4 Exhibit D - Plaintiff's Motion to Amend and Proposed Summons and Complaint - dockets 45, 46, 47, 48,
Att: 5 Exhibit E - Plaintif's Second Motion to Amend Complaint - dockets 50, 51, 52, 53,
Att: 6 Exhibit F - Motion to Dismiss and Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss - dockets 41, 42,
Att: 7 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 8 Certificate of Service