Arizona District Court
Judge:Bruce G Macdonald
Case #: 4:25-cv-00131
Nature of Suit820 Property Rights - Copyrights
Cause17:501 Copyright Infringement
Case Filed:Mar 21, 2025
Last checked: Friday Mar 21, 2025 11:06 AM MST
Wick Communications Company
Corey Sipkin Photography LLC
Represented By
Jacqueline A Mandel
Sanders Law Group - Uniondale
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/30/2025 11:59 PM MST
Friday, March 21, 2025
7 7 minute_ord ~Util - Initial Request for Copyright, Trademark, or Patent Information Fri 03/21 10:47 AM
MINUTE ORDER: Request for Copyright, Trademark, or Patent Information. This case has been designated as a copyright, trademark, or patent case. The Clerk's Office is required to provide information to the Patent and Trademark Office and/or Copyright Office regarding this case. Attached to this docket entry are the required form(s) that must be completed. Plaintiff shall complete the form that is applicable to this particular case. In some cases, you may need to complete both forms. Within seven (7) days, Plaintiff must submit the required form(s) to the Clerk's Office. Please complete the form and file it with the Court using the specific event: Notice of Filing - Copyright, Trademark or Patent Information , found under the Other Filings header. Please DO NOT mail the form directly to the Patent or Copyright Office. The Clerk's Office will submit the form. If neither form is required for this case, please file a notice indicating the reason the form is not necessary and use the event listed above. This form must be updated if additional patents, copyrights, or trademarks are alleged in a responsive pleading.(VSB)
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6 6 notice Notice of Filing - Copyright, Trademark or Patent Information Fri 03/21 10:41 AM
NOTICE of Filing - AO 121 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action Regarding a Copyright filed by Corey Sipkin Photography LLC. (VSB)
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5 5 service Summons Issued Fri 03/21 10:38 AM
Summons Issued as to Wick Communications Company. (VSB)
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4 4 misc New Case Opened Fri 03/21 10:35 AM
Filing fee paid, receipt number AAZDC-24102929. This case has been assigned to the Honorable Bruce G Macdonald. All future pleadings or documents should bear the correct case number: CV 25-00131 TUC-BGM. Magistrate Election form attached. (VSB)
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3 3 service Summons Submitted Fri 03/21 10:32 AM
SUMMONS Submitted by Corey Sipkin Photography LLC. (Mandel, Jacqueline) (VSB)
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2 2 misc Disclosure Statement Fri 03/21 10:31 AM
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Corey Sipkin Photography LLC. (VSB)
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1 1 9 pgs cmp Complaint Fri 03/21 10:25 AM
COMPLAINT FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Filing fee received: $ 405.00, receipt number AAZDC-24102929 filed by Corey Sipkin Photography LLC. (Mandel, Jacqueline)(VSB)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 Exhibit