Kentucky Eastern District Court
Judge:Robert E Wier
Referred: Hanly A Ingram
Case #: 6:25-cv-00054
Nature of Suit360 Torts - Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury
Cause28:1441 Petition for Removal- Personal Injury
Case Filed:Mar 26, 2025
Case in other court:Whitley Circuit Court, 25-CI-00082
Last checked: Wednesday Mar 26, 2025 2:06 PM EDT
Murphy Oil USA, Inc.
Represented By
Henry Caywood Prewitt, Jr.
Kriz, Jenkins, Prewitt & Jones, Psc
contact info
Brandi Matthews
Represented By
Orrin Stivers
Williams & Towe Law Group, PLLC
contact info

Docket last updated: 3 hours ago
Thursday, March 27, 2025
5 5 2 pgs order Order For Meeting and Report Thu 03/27 10:55 AM
ORDER: (1) Within 21 days, the parties, by counsel, shall meet, either in person or by telephone, to consider the topics Rule 26(f)(2) mandates. (2) Within 14 days of the meeting, the parties shall file a joint status report containing: a. - e.; (3) If the parties propose a deadline for dispositive motions to be filed that is more than one (1) year from the date the joint status report required by paragraph (2) is filed, they SHALL specifically describe the basis for the length of their proposed schedule with sufficient detail for the Court to assess that schedule and its progression, including in particular the discovery and dispositive motions deadlines. If such basis and detail is not provided, the Court will shorten the timeline provided by the parties. Signed by Magistrate Judge Hanly A. Ingram on 3/27/2025.(MM)
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Att: 1 MJ Consent Form
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
4 4 order REW Standing Case Management and Referral Order Wed 03/26 1:19 PM
STANDING CASE MANAGEMENT AND REFERRAL ORDER: 1. At the outset, the Court reminds the parties that, under Rule 1, they share with the Court the duty to construe, administer, and employ the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of this action; 2. Pursuant to 28:636(b)(1) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 72, the Court refers this case to the appropriate United States Magistrate Judge for this Division; 3. Unless otherwise ordered, the Court retains for decision any motion dispositive of a claim or defense (as well as motions regulating the trial proof, including Daubert and motions in limine); 4. Concurrent with the filing of any Rule 12 motion, the moving party may file, as a separate motion, any request for a discovery stay pending resolution. The Court refers consideration of any such motion to the assigned Magistrate Judge; 5. Discovery Disputes shall be resolved as defined within this order; The Court DIRECTS the Clerk to enter this Standing Order in the undersigned's civil cases excepting Social Security, pro se, and prisoner post-conviction matters at case opening (or as the Court otherwise directs). Signed by Judge Robert E. Wier on 11/13/2019.(JCP)
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3 3 misc Disclosure Statement pursuant to FRCP 7.1 Wed 03/26 1:15 PM
FRCP 7.1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Murphy Oil USA, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Murphy USA, Inc. for Murphy Oil USA, Inc... (JCP)
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1 1 4 pgs cmp Notice of Removal Wed 03/26 1:11 PM
NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Whitley Circuit Court, case number 25-CI-00082. ( Filing fee $405; receipt number AKYEDC-6062005), filed by Murphy Oil USA, Inc..(JCP)
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Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet,
Att: 2 State Court Record Exhibit A - Complaint and Answer,
Att: 3 State Court Record Exhibit B - Notice of Filing Notice of Removal
misc Conflict Check Wed 03/26 1:12 PM
Conflict Check run. (JCP)
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answer Answer to Complaint Wed 03/26 1:13 PM
ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand by Murphy Oil USA, Inc. (Filed in State Court Record- See DE1 )(JCP)
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utility File Submitted Wed 03/26 1:20 PM
***FILE SUBMITTED TO CHAMBERS of Judge Ingram for review:1 Notice of Removal, (JCP)
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notice Notice for Attorney to Request E-Filing Privileges Wed 03/26 1:23 PM
NOTICE FOR ATTORNEY TO REQUEST E-Filing Privileges to Orrin Stivers: An e-Filing request must be processed through your PACER account. IMPORTANT NOTICE: You are required to electronically file and receive electronic service from the court's automated Electronic Case Filing (ECF) system. If you are not a registered Filing User for the Court's ECF system, please visit the Court's website at for information and/or training. For additional assistance contact the Help Desk at 1-866-485-6349. cc: COR and via U.S. Mail to Orrin Stivers (JCP)
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