California Eastern District Court
Judge:John A Mendez
Referred: Deborah Barnes
Case #: 2:09-cv-00665
Nature of Suit850 Other Statutes - Securities/Commodities/Exchange
Cause15:77 Securities Fraud
Case Filed:Mar 11, 2009
Last checked: Thursday Jun 16, 2016 3:01 AM PDT
Equity Investment Management and Trading, Inc.
United States of America
Represented By
Jean M. Hobler
United States Attorney'S Office
contact info
Lee Saara Bickley, GOVT
United States Attorney'S Office
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Robin R. Taylor
U.S. Attorney'S Office
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Securities and Exchange Commission
Represented By
Susan Frances LaMarca
U.S. Securities And Exchange Commission
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Lloyd A. Farnham-GOVT
Us Securities And Exchange Commission
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Robert L. Mitchell, GOVT
Us Securities And Exchange Commission
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Monique Christine Winkler
United States Securities And Exchange Commission
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Stephen E. Anderson
Represented By
Miriam Eliza Hiser
Law Office Of Miram Hiser
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Martin H. Dodd
Futterman Dupree Dodd Croley Maier LLP
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Jaime G. Touchstone
Futterman Dupree Dodd Croley Maier LLP
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Jamie L. Dupree
Futterman Dupree Dodd Croley Maier LLP
contact info
Arcanum Equity Fund, LLC
Represented By
Cyrus Dean Homayouni
Law Office Of C. Dean Homayouni
contact info
Michael J. Callahan
7997 NE High School Rd.
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Elevate Communications, LLC
Represented By
Matthew Lee Lalli
Snell & Wilmer LLP
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Michael A. Gehret
Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
contact info
Brendan M Ford
Ford & Diulio LLP
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Concettina Ferentz
Represented By
Alan L Geraci
Care Law Group PC
contact info
Melissa McLeod
Represented By
Dennis M. Wilson
Wilson Law Firm, Apc
contact info
Vestium Management Group, LLC
Represented By
Cyrus Dean Homayouni
Law Office Of C. Dean Homayouni
contact info
Kenneth Kenitzer
Terminated: 07/09/2014
Represented By
Edward Gartenberg
Gartenberg Gelfand Wasson & Selden LLP
contact info
Anthony Vassallo
Terminated: 05/23/2014
Represented By
David R. Chase, PHV
David R. Chase, PA
contact info
Clyde M. Blackmon
Rothschild, Wishek & Sands, LLP
contact info

GPO Mar 11 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/11/09: Defendant EIMT is temporarily restrained and enjoined from transferring, assigning, selling, hypothecating, changing, wasting, dissipating, converting, concealing, encumbering, or otherwise disposing of, in any manner funds, assets, securities, claims, or other property. An immediate freeze shall be placed on all monies and assets in all accounts at any bank, financial institution, or brokerage firm holding accounts in the name of, for the benefit of, or under the control of defendant EIMT, and that all banks, financial institutions, and brokerage firms holding such accounts shall not permit transactions in such accounts without further order of the Court. Defendant EIMT is temporarily restrained and enjoined from, directly or indirectly, destroying, mutilating, concealing, transferring, altering, or otherwise disposing of, in any manner, any documents, computers, hard drives, flash drives, computer programs, computer files, databases, electronic data, computer printouts, books, records, account statements, correspondence, memoranda, e mail, or any other materials of any kind in their possession.(Kaminski, H)
GPO Mar 11 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/11/09: 4 MOTION for TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER Hearing set for 3/12/2009 at 01:30 PM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. Plaintiff shall immediately SERVE a copy of this order and all documents in this case upon all defendants. EITM may, if it chooses, submit an opposition to this application, to be received by the court no later than 12:20 p.m. on March 12, 2009. (Kaminski, H)
GPO Mar 12 2009
TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST EQUITY INVESTMENT MAANAGEMENT AND TRADING INC signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/12/09 ORDERING that dft EIMT and its respective officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with any of them, who receive actual notice of this Order, by personal service or otherwise, and each of them, are temporarily restrained and enjoined from, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, or of the mails, or of any facility of national securities exchange: employing any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud; making any untrue statement of a material fact or omitting to state a material fact necessary in orde to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances unde which they were made, not misleading; engaging in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person; in connection with the purchase or sale of any security. Dft EIMT are temporarily restrained and enjoined from transferring, assigning, selling, hypothecating, changing, wasting, dissipating, converting, concealing, encumbering, or otherwise disposing of, in any manner, funds, assets, securities, claims or other property, wherever located, in the possession or under their control, including but not limited to the assets in accounts owned, controlled, or opened for its benefit at the following financial institutions and brokerage firms: Bank of Commerce Holdings, TradeStation Securities, Inc and Wells Fargo Bank, NA. Dft EIMT is required within 21 days of this Order, to submit to the Court a verified accounting, identifying: (i) The location and disposition of all funds received from investors. (ii) The location and disposition of all accounts controlled by dfts or held for their benefit. (iii) The location and value of all investor, as well as personal or other, assets currently held by EIMT, or under EIMT's control, or over which it may exercise actual or apparent authority. Defendant EIMT is temporarily restrained and enjoined from, directly or indirectly, destroying, mutilating, concealing, transferring, altering, or otherwise disposing of, in any manner, any documents, computers, hard drives, flash drives, computer programs, computer files, databases, electronic data, computer printouts, books, records, account statements, correspondence, memoranda, e mail, or any other materials of any kind in their possession. The parties may immediately take discovery by any means authorized under the FRCP.(Duong, D)
GPO Mar 12 2009
ORDER to SHOW CAUSE signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/12/09 ORDERING that Show Cause Hearing SET for 3/23/2009 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. Show Cause Response due by 3/20/2009. (Duong, D)
GPO Mar 23 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/23/2009 ORDERING the parties may immediately take discovery by any means authorized under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. (Reader, L)
GPO Apr 15 2009
STIPULATION and ORDER 46 signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/14/2009 ORDERING 42 Plaintiff's application to shorten time on its motion to appoint a temporary receiver for Equity Investment Management and Trading, Inc. is GRANTED; the Court will hear the Commission's Motion on 4/24/2009 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. Any opposition the the motion shall be filed no later than 4/17/2009; reply in support of its motion due by 4/18/2009. (Reader, L)
GPO Apr 30 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/29/09 APPOINTING Stephen Anderson as temporary receiver for Equity Investment Management and Trading, Inc; ORDER to SHOW CAUSE for appointment of permanent receiver; Show Cause Hearing is set for 8/3/2009 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton; opposition by EIMT due by 7/20/09. (Gaydosh, J)
GPO May 21 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/21/09 ORDERING that 55 Receiver's Administrative Application for an Eext of Time is GRANTED. Receiver shall have UNTIL 7/9/09, to file his initial report. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO May 26 2009
NON-RELATED CASE ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/26/2009 ORDERING that the court has determined that it is inappropriate to relate or reassign the cases. (Matson, R)
GPO May 28 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/28/09: 58 Ex Parte Application for a Court Order Shortening Time is GRANTED. (Kaminski, H)
GPO May 28 2009
AMENDED ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 05/28/09 GRANTING 58 Ex Parte Application For Court Ordering Shortenting Time. (Streeter, J)
GPO Jun 03 2009
STATUS (PRETRIAL SCHEDULING) CONFERENCE ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/3/09 ORDERING that Discovery ddl 4/30/2010; Dispositive Motions ddl 6/30/2010. Final Pretrial Conference set for 9/27/2010 at 01:30 PM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. Jury Trial set for 12/14/2010 at 10:30 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. (Duong, D)
GPO Jun 05 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on June 5, 2009 ORDERING that Receiver's motion is GRANTED. The Court reappoints Receiver Stephen E. Anderson as Receiver for Equity Investment Management and Trading, Inc. The April 29, 2009 order terms remain in full force and effect except as otherwise modified by order of this Court. (Becknal, R)
GPO Jun 05 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on June 5, 2009 ORDERING that Receiver's motion is GRANTED; and the Court hereby establishes the following expedited procedure for consideration and resolution of Receiver's applications regarding receivership administration issues: For administrative issues, Receiver is permitted (through counsel) to file a letter with the Court describing the receivership issue and the order sought along with a proposed order; If the Court believes the requested order is appropriate, it will issue the order with or without modification of it; and If the Court believes a hearing is necessary, it will set a hearing, or if the Court has questions about the application, the Court will contact Receiver or his counsel directly. (Becknal, R)
GPO Jun 05 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on June 5, 2009 ORDERED that Receiver's motion is GRANTED; Receiver is hereby authorized to engage the following attorneys, accountants and consultants at the rates indicated,retroactive to the date of his initial appointment: (1) Futterman & Dupree LLP (Primary and California Counsel), Jamie L. Dupree, $370.00/hour; Martin H. Dodd, $385.00/hour; Jaime E. Godin, $265.00/hour; Legal Assistants and Case Clerks, $90-165.00/hour; (2) Stephan A. Werth, CPA, $175.00/hour; (3) Cindi Sherrod, Consultant, $35.00/hour; (4) Parsons, Smith & Stone LLP (Idaho counsel) Randolph C. Stone, $170.00/hour; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Receiver is hereby authorized to utilize the services of other attorneys and staff at the authorized law firms provided that the billing rates of those attorneys and staff are commensurate with the rates authorized herein. Notwithstanding this order, the actual compensation of the persons employed by Receiver shall be fixed by the Court in conformity with Local Rule 66-232(g). (Becknal, R)
GPO Jun 11 2009
ORDER Compelling Lexus of Sacramento to Produce Documents and Provide Information to Receiver, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/11/09. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Jun 11 2009
ORDER Directing Wells Fargo Bank and Any Other Financial Institutions to Produce Documents Concerning the Transfer of the 3788 Centrury Drive Property to Receiver, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/11/09. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Jun 11 2009
ORDER Prohibiting The Transfer of the 3788 Century Drive Property Without Further Order of the Court and Tolling Payments on Deed of Trust, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/11/09. (Kastilahn, A) (Attachment (s) #(1) Exhibit 1 - Legal Description of Property) (Kastilahn, A). Modified on 6/11/2009 (Kastilahn, A).
GPO Jun 11 2009
ORDER Permitting Receiver to Open Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Account, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/11/09. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Jun 12 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/12/09: The property known as 19990 Brockman Mill Road, Fiddletown, CA 95629, APN 021- 040-023 (the Fiddletown Property) shall not be sold, purchased, transferred, conveyed, exchanged, foreclosed upon, attached, or encumbered in any way whatsoever, pending the resolution of the above-entitled action, without a specific order by the above- entitled Court authorizing such a transaction. Furthermore, any payments due any deeds of trust concerning the Fiddletown Property shall be tolled pending the resolution of the above-entitled action, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. (Kaminski, H)
GPO Jun 15 2009
ORDER directing BofA to produce documents re Acct #23487-01403 and/or Acct holder Michael Tucker signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 06/15/09 ORDERING that BofA is hereby directed to provide to Receiver information and documentation concerning the dispensation of the $1,875,000 transferred to the Tucker Account on or about 12/31/08, including, but not limited to account numbers, account holder identification and other similar information sufficient to trace funds transferred from the Tucker Account after its receipt of the $1,875,000 from Veritas Investments on or about 12/31/08. BofA is directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in his investigation and audit. (Benson, A.)
GPO Jun 25 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/25/09 ORDERING that First American Title Co. shall provide to the Receiver copies of all documents executed and/or deposited into escrow #216850-RX by the seller in connection with the purchase and sale of property located at 3788 Century Drive, Island Park, Idaho (APN 214-210-07). All documents provided to seller by FATCO in connection with the purchase and sale of the Property and all documents that refer to or reflect the disbursement of funds from escrow #216850-RX to the seller and/or the Buyer of the Property. FATCO's Specialty Service Department shall provide to the Receiver copies of the note and deed of trust or mortgage executed by or on behalf of EIMT Properties, LLC with respect to the $1 million seller financing in connection with the purchase and sale of the Property. All documents that refer to or reflect each payment made by or on behalf of the Buyer to service the $1 million loan including, but not limited to, (i) copies of the front and back of each check used to make payment; and (ii) documents reflecting any electronic funds transfer or bank account wire instructions and all documents that refer to or reflect each disbursement made by FATCO Specialty Services Department to the seller from funds received from or on behalf of EIMT Properties including, but not limited to, (i) copies of the front and back of each disbursement check; and (ii) documents reflecting any electronic funds transfer or bank account wire instructions. (Engbretson, K.)
GPO Jun 26 2009
AMENDED ORDER Prohibiting The Transfer of The Fiddletown Property Without Further Order of The Court and Tolling Payments of Deed of Trust, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/25/09. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Jul 31 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 07/31/09 re 103 ORDERING that the August 3, 2009 hearing is hereby VACATED. Stephen E. Anderson is hereby appointed as permanent Receiver for defendant Equity Investment Management and Trading. All existing provisions set forth in the OAR remain in full force and effect.(Duong, D)
GPO Jul 31 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 7/30/09 Directing Chicago Investment Group to produce documents and freeze all accounts on which Matthew Tucker has signing authority.(Mena-Sanchez, L)
GPO Aug 10 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/10/09 DIRECTING subfund managers to produce documents and information. (Carlos, K)
GPO Aug 12 2009
GPO Aug 20 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/20/09 ORDERING that Redding Bank of Commerce is hereby directed to cancel the $1.2 million cashier's check in the name of Veritas and remit the amount paid for the $1.2 million cashier's check to the EIMT Receivership, Receiver Stephen E. Anderson's custody and control. Redding Bank of Commerce is further directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in transmitting these funds to him and in Receiver's activities, investigation and inquiries on behalf of this Court. (Becknal, R)
GPO Aug 20 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/20/09. Establishing a Standard Summary Proceeding Procedure for Receiver's Pursuit of Equity Investment Management and Trading, Inc.'s Assets (Becknal, R)
GPO Sep 03 2009
JUDGMENT of PERMANENT INJUNCTION AND OTHER RELIEF against defendant Kenneth Kenitzer signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/3/2009. (Matson, R)
GPO Sep 04 2009
STIPULATION and ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 09/03/09 ORDERING that EIMT is the sole owner of any and all membership interests in EIMT Properties, LLC; Receiver Stephen E. Anderson is hereby APPOINTED Receiver over EIMT Properties, LLC with all of the same rights, duties, powers and obligations for EIMT Properties, LLC as he has over EIMT as set forth in the OAR dated 04/30/09 and the 07/31/09 order making Receiver a permanent Receiver. No further bond shall be required of Receiver. If he has not already done so, Receiver shall file a noticed motion seeking Court authorization to unwind the purported transfer of the Kenitzer Family Foundation's fifty percent (50%) membership interest in Tracy Clover 22, LLC to EIMT, in exchange for EIMTs membership interest in EIMT Properties, LLC, and relinquishing all claim of EIMT to any interest in Tracy Clover 22, LLC, which will restore the Kenitzer Family Foundations ownership interest in Tracy Clover 22, LLC. (Benson, A.)
GPO Sep 16 2009
STIPULATION and ORDER 130 to confirm EIMT ownership of Fiddletown Property signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/16/2009. EIMT funds were used to purchase the Fiddletown Property. The Fiddletown Property Purchase was in constructive trust for EIMT, and EIMT is the sole owner of the Fiddletown Property. Vassallo shall execute any and all documents necessary to reflect that EIMT is the sole owner of the Fiddletown Property in a form that ensures a title company will insure the future transfer of the Fiddletown Property by Receiver to a third party. Vassallo will fully cooperate with Receiver to achieve the purpose of parties Stipulation and Order. (Marciel, M)
GPO Sep 18 2009
GPO Sep 25 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/25/09 ORDERING that Receiver is hereby authorized to engage the following Washington attys at the rate indicated, retroactive to June 8, 2009: (1) Demco Law Firm, P.S. (Washington Counsel) David C. Daniel, $225.00/hour. Receiver is hereby further authorized to utilize the services of other attys and staff at Demco Law Firm, P.S., provided that the billing rates of those attys and staff are commensurate with the rates authorized herein. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Oct 14 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/13/2009 Directing Brokerage Houses to Produce Documents and Close all EIMT Brokerage Accounts. (Suttles, J)
GPO Oct 14 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/13/09 directing banks and/or financial institutions to produce documents concerning EIMT funds tranferred to Jeff Dennis Ferentz and/or Jeff Dennis Ferentz, Inc. (Owen, K)
GPO Oct 22 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/22/09 ORDERING that the First Utah Bank is hereby directed to provide to Receiver information and documentation concerning any and all EIMT/Vassallo Account(s) from 1/1/06, including, but not limited to statements and other documentation reflecting receipts by and disbursements from such accounts, account numbers and account holder identification. Pending Receiver's investigation, First Utah Bank is hereby directed to freeze concerning any and all EIMT/Vassallo Account(s) until further order of the Court; First Utah Bank is hereby further directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in transmitting these documents and freezing the accounts and in Receiver's activities, investigation' and inquiries on behalf of this Court.(Becknal, R)
GPO Nov 13 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/13/09, GRANTNG 120 Receiver's Motion. EIMT is the sole owner of any and all membership interests in EIMT Properties, LLC. Receiver is hereby authorized to execute any and all appropriate documentation to unwind the purported Membership Transfer, restoring EIMTs interest in EIMT Properties, LLC, and returning the Kenitzer Family Foundations fifty percent (50%) interest in Tracy Clover 22, LLC to it. EIMT has no interest in Tracy Clover 22, LLC, and Receiver is hereby authorized to relinquish any claim of interest in Tracy Clover 22, LLC.(Kastilahn, A)
GPO Dec 09 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/8/09 APPROVING Receiver Stephen E. Anderson's 154 Second Interim Report and specific authorizations sought therein and APPROVING 101 First Interim Report. (Engbretson, K.)
GPO Dec 09 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/8/09 GRANTING Receiver's first application for fees and costs. (Engbretson, K.)
GPO Dec 11 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/11/09: Callahan's motion for a continuance is DENIED. The court orders Tucker to disgorge $2.0 million received from Veritas. The court further orders that the evidentiary hearing is referred to Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd. Judge Drozd will confer with Callahan, Arcanum Equity Fund, LLC, Vestium Equity Fund, LLC, and Vestium Management Group, LLC, the Receiver, and set a date and time for the hearing or hearings as well as entertain any motions demonstrating good cause to conduct limited discovery. (Kaminski, H).
GPO Dec 11 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/11/09: The court orders that the evidentiary hearing is referred to Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd pursuant to Local Rule 302(a). Judge Drozd will confer with Vestium, Arcanum, Michael Callahan, and the Receiver, and set a date and time for the hearing or hearings as well as entertain any motions demonstrating good cause to conduct limited discovery. (Kaminski, H) .
GPO Dec 11 2009
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/11/09 ORDERING that Bank of America is directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in transmitting documents and freezing the accounts and in Receiver's activities, investigation and inquiries on behalf of this Court. (Becknal, R)
GPO Dec 24 2009
ORDER DIRECTING HSBC TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS re Anthony Vassallo Accounts and Freezing Accounts signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/23/09 re 205. (Duong, D)
GPO Jan 05 2010
ORDER SETTING STATUS CONFERENCE signed by Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd on 1/5/10 ORDERING that a Telephonic Status Conference is set for 1/22/2010 at 11:00 AM in Courtroom 27 (DAD) before Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd. Parties shall each contact Pete Buzo, Courtroom Deputy to the undersigned, at (916) 930-4128, at least forty-eight hours prior to the status conference. (Donati, J)
GPO Feb 01 2010
ORDER authorizing receiver to list the fiddletown property for sale on the multiple listing service and establishing procedures to confirm sale signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 2/1/10. (Mena-Sanchez, L)
GPO Feb 16 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 2/16/10 ORDERING that the Court reappoints Receiver Stephen E. Anderson as Receiver for Equity InvestmentManagement and Trading, Inc. (EIMT).(Dillon, M)
GPO Feb 16 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 2/16/10 ORDERING that Receiver is hereby authorized to engage the firm of Holland & Hart LLP, and to utilize the services of Mona Burton at $395 an hour. Receiver is hereby further authorized to utilize the services of other attorneys and staff at Holland & Hart LLP provided that the billing rates of those attorneys and staff are commensurate with their level of experience and the rates authorized herein.(Dillon, M)
GPO Feb 24 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 2/24/10 ORDERING banks and/or financial institutions to produce documents regarding Centuries Worldwide LLC, JD Centuries LLC, Nevada Securities Arbitration, USR Site Acquisition, Nationwide Securities Arbitration, USR Site Acquisition and/or Charles to assist Receiver to trace EIMT funds transferred to Jeff Dennis Ferentz and Jeff Dennis Ferentz, Inc.. (Carlos, K)
GPO Mar 04 2010
ORDER re 222 Proposed Order, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/3/2010. Receiver is hereby authorized to act on behalf of Veritas Foundation to transfer the title of the Lexus purchased with EIMT investor funds and to take all other actions necessary to achieve the purpose of this order.(Kastilahn, A)
GPO Mar 09 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/9/10 GRANTING receiver's 224 Request and directing Bank of America to produce documents. (Owen, K)
GPO Mar 09 2010
GPO Mar 11 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 03/10/10 ORDERING that, re 226 Letter from Roger Dorner, that the investors should retain counsel if they wish to intervene. (Benson, A.)
GPO Mar 19 2010
ORDER DIRECTING the Heritage Escrow Company to produce documents and information concering wire transfer from JD Centuries LLC to assist receiver to trace EIMT funds transferred to Jeff Dennis Ferentz and/or Jeff Dennis Ferentz, Inc re 230 signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/18/2010. (Duong, D)
GPO Mar 24 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/23/10 ORDERING that on 12/31/08, $1,875,000 of EIMT investor funds were transferred to Matthew Tucker, in connection with the purported purchase of a "Collateralized Mortgage Obligation." This Court previously issued an order authorizing Bank of America to assist Receiver in tracing the EIMT investor funds transferred to Matthew Tucker by providing information and documentation 96, which remains in full force and effect Receiver's investigation revealed the following: On or about 1/5/09, $400,000.00 was transferred from Matthew Tucker's Bank of America account to a Citibank account held in the name of HPHC, Inc. To further assist Receiver's investigation in tracing the EIMT funds transferred to Matthew Tucker, the Court directs Citibank to provide information and documentation concerning the 1/5/09 wire from Matthew Tucker to HPHC, Inc. for $400,000.00, including but not limited to statements and other documentation reflecting receipts by and disbursements from such accounts related to that transfer, account numbers, account holder identification and details of any related transactions. Citibank is further directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in Receivers activities, investigation and inquiries on behalf of this Court. (Becknal, R)
GPO Apr 05 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/5/10 ORDERING the CID to provide Receiver with the Vassallo Computer when CID no longer needs that computer for their investigation. (Owen, K)
GPO Apr 12 2010
STIPULATION and ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd on 4/12/2010 ORDERING that the Evidentiary Hearing set for 4/12/2010 and 4/13/2010 is dropped from the Court's calendar. The parties shall keep the Court apprised of the status of this matter. (Engbretson, K.)
GPO Apr 15 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/14/10 ORDERING the recipient of the Land Rover Check to provide Receiver with information about the disposition of that check, including but not limited to producing documents and information concerning any vehicle purchased with the Land Rover Check. The recipient of the Land Rover Check is hereby further directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in his investigation into the disposition of that check.(Becknal, R)
GPO Apr 19 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/19/10 ORDERING the deadline of 6/30/10 for the hearing of motions in this case is VACATED; the last day for the Commission to notice and have any motion for financial remedies against dfts Vassallo and Kenitzer is 9/30/10; and because judgment has been entered in this case, the pretrial conference and the trial are VACATED.(Carlos, K)
GPO Apr 21 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/20/2010 DIRECTING Hale, Lane, Peek, Dennison and Howard to provide documents and information permitting receiver to trace $800,000 from JD Centuries, LLC account on or about 11/8/2007. (Engbretson, K.)
GPO Apr 21 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/20/10 DIRECTING Wells Fargo to freeze USR site acquisition, LLC savings account pending further court order. (Owen, K)
GPO Apr 22 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/22/2010 re 260 ORDERING that AT&T, Skype and Yahoo are each further directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in Receiver's activities, investigation and inquiries on behalf of this Court. (Duong, D)
GPO Apr 27 2010
ORDER 260 signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/27/2010 directing Charles Jarvis aka "Charlie" Jarvis and William Wheeler to provide information and documents to Receiver concerning EIMT funds transferred to Jeff Dennis Ferentz and/or Jeff Ferentz, Inc.. (Marciel, M)
GPO Apr 27 2010
ORDER 261 signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/27/2010 regarding dispositiion of $76,552.79 paid to Land Rover of Newport Beach on or about 11/13/2007 to assist Receiver to trace EIMT funds transferred to Jeff Dennis Ferentz and/or Jeff Dennis Ferentz, Inc.. (Marciel, M)
GPO Apr 28 2010
ORDER Directing Strong McPherson & company to Provide Documents and Information permitting Receiver to Trace $423,320.80 received on or about 11/9/2007 signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/27/2010 re 267. (Duong, D)
GPO May 05 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/5/10 prohibiting transfer of Land Rover vehicle without further order of the court and requiring the maintenance of insurance. (Carlos, K)
GPO May 07 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/7/10 ORDERING Ticor Title Las Vegas to Produce Documents and Information Concering the Purchase of 2845 Loveland Drive 274. (Becknal, R)
GPO Jun 02 2010
ORDER Directing Nate & Andy's Quality Auto Sales to Provide Documents and Information to Receiver signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/2/10. (Kaminski, H)
GPO Jun 07 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/7/10 ORDERING Receiver's Motion to Approve the Settlement with the Moorelands 284 is GRANTED. (Carlos, K)
GPO Jun 21 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/21/10 directing Premier Title Company, GT Title Services, Atlas Title and First American Title to produce documents and information to receiver concerning wire tranfers from Vastmann Investment Partners. (Zignago, K.)
GPO Jul 19 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 7/16/10 GRANTING Receiver's 305 Request for an Order Directing US Bank to provide documents and information concerning the BT subfunds to receiver. (Owen, K) Modified on 7/19/2010 (Owen, K).
GPO Jul 19 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 7/16/10 GRANTING Receiver's 306 Request for an Order Directing Lewiston State Bank to provide documents and information concerning the 1/28/09 wire transfer to receiver. (Owen, K)
GPO Jul 21 2010
FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS, recommending that Court fine Michael Callahan jointly and severally liable for $2 million lost by EIMT/Veritas investors in failed CMO investment and order him to 171 disgorge up to that amount to Receiver until such time as EIMT investors are made whole in connection with this investment, signed by Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd on 7/20/2010. Within 21 days after being served with these F/Rs, any pary may file written Objections with Court and serve a copy on all parties. (Marciel, M) Modified on 7/21/2010 (Marciel, M). Modified on 9/29/2010 (Marciel, M).
GPO Aug 13 2010
ORDER TO EXTEND DEADLINE TO FILE MOTIONS FOR FINANCIAL REMEDIES signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/12/10. The current deadline of 9/30/10 for the hearing of Motions in this case is VACATED. The last day for the Commission to notice and have heard any motion for financial remedies against defendants Vassallo and Kenitzer shall be 45 days following the entry of judgment in the parallel criminal proceeding, U.S. v. Anthony Vassallo, Case no. 2-09-cr-00179-GEB-1.(Mena-Sanchez, L)
GPO Aug 27 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/26/10: The application by the Securities and Exchange Commission is hereby granted, and the Clerk of the Court is directed to remove Docket Item 316 from the Courts records. (Kaminski, H)
GPO Sep 01 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/31/10, ORDERING that Fletcher Jones Imports is directed to provide information and documentation concerning the May 6, 2009 trade-in and/or sale of the Lamborghini. Fletcher Jones is hereby prohibited from notifying the Damantes of this order prior to providing Receiver with the requested information. Fletcher Jones is hereby further directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in his investigation and inquiries on behalf of this Court.(Kastilahn, A)
GPO Sep 01 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/31/10, ORDERING that Washington Mutual Bank is directed to provide information and documentation to Receiver concerning any and all VIP Washington Mutual Accounts and/or any accounts on which Jarom L. Dastrup, Jaren Ahlmann and/or Anthony Vassallo had signing authority from July 2004 through December 2008, including but not limited to statements and other documentation reflecting receipts by and disbursements from such accounts, account numbers and account holder information. Washington Mutual Bank is further directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in Receiver's activities, investigation and inquiries on behalf of this Court. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Sep 03 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/3/10 ORDERING that pending before the court is the Receiver's 312 motion for fees and costs, currently set to be heard on 9/13/10. Due to a court scheduling conflict, the court CONTINUES the hearing to 9/27/10 at 10:00 AM. The deadlines for filing oppositions or statements of non-opposition, and for filing of a reply, if any, are unchanged. The Receiver is instructed to notify interested parties of the change in the hearing date. (Becknal, R)
GPO Sep 14 2010
ORDER directing Charles Schwab Bank to provide documents and information concerning B&B Consulting and Kari Beauchamp-Sonovich to Receiver, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/14/10. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Sep 28 2010
ORDER GRANTING 33 RECEIVER'S SECOND APPLICATON FOR FEES AND COSTS signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 09/27/10 and ORDERING that the fees and costs sought by Receiver are reasonable and the services rendered have been of benefit to the receivership estate; the Receiver is authorized to engage John H. Moulton as his consultant, at the rate of $175.00/hour, retroactive to 05/26/10. (Benson, A.)
GPO Sep 28 2010
ORDER APPROVING RECEIVER'S 310 THIRD INTERIM REPORT and specific authorizations sought therein signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 09/27/10. (Benson, A.)
GPO Sep 29 2010
ORDER ADOPTING 309 FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS, in full, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/28/2010. Court finds Michael Callahan jointly and severally liable for $2 millioin lost by EIMT/Veritas investors in failed CMO investment. Michael Callahan is ORDERED to 171 disgorge up to $2 million to Receiver until such time as EIMT investors are made whole in connectios with failed CMO investment. (Marciel, M)
GPO Sep 29 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/28/2010 DENYING, without prejudice, Receiver Stephen E. Anderson's 163 Motion to Order Disgorgment of funds from Arcanum/Vestium. (Marciel, M)
GPO Sep 29 2010
AMENDED ORDER directing Charles Schwab to provide documents and information concerning B&B Consulting and Kari Beauchamp-Sonovich to Receiver signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/29/10. (Kaminski, H)
GPO Oct 13 2010
AMENDED ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/12/10 directing Brokerage Houses to produce documents and close all EIMT Brokerage Accounts.(Mena-Sanchez, L)
GPO Oct 14 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/13/10 ORDERING that the hearing on the Receiver's 334 Motion for Disgorgement is CONTINUED to 10/25/10 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. Ferentz shall file an opposition or statement of non-opposition by 9:00 a.m. on 10/18/10. The Receiver may file a reply any time before the hearing. (Benson, A.)
GPO Oct 19 2010
ORDER directing banks and/or financial institutions to produce documents concerning EIMT funds transferred to J.R. Trust signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/19/10. (Kaminski, H)
GPO Oct 26 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/25/2010 GRANTING Receiver Stephen E. Anderson's 340 Disgorgement Motion for Order directing Wells Fargo Bank to release all funds in USR Site Acquisition, LLC savings account. (Marciel, M)
GPO Oct 27 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/26/2010 GRANTING GRANTING 334 Motion to Disgorge; Ms. Ferentz to disgorge the Land Rover to the Receiver w/in 20 days of the issuance of this order. (Matson, R)
GPO Nov 03 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/2/10 ORDERING that Ferentz's Ex Parte Request for Clarification or Reconsideration 367 is DENIED. Ferentz shall disgorge the Land Rover to the Receiver by 11/15/10. (Mena-Sanchez, L)
GPO Nov 05 2010
ORDER Directing Banks and/or Financial Institutions to produce documents concerning EIMT Funds transferred to Martin Porter signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/4/10. (Mena-Sanchez, L)
GPO Nov 08 2010
ORDER granting Receiver's Motion to Approve Settlements with Equity Constellation Investors Nilsson, Wilberg, Patenaude, Smart and Simmons 351 signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/08/10. (Mena-Sanchez, L)
GPO Nov 12 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/12/2010 re 383 Request filed by Stephen E. Anderson ORDERING that any and all banks and/or financial institutions, including, but not limited to Wachovia Bank, Wells Fargo Bank and Bank Atlantic are directed to provide information and documentation to Receiver tracing where the $425,000 withdrawn from the EIMT Account on 12/11/2007, went, including after its deposit into the Porter Wachovia Account and also tracing where the $750,000 withdrawn from the EIMT Account on 4/15/2008, went, as directed in this order. Any and all banks addressed in this order are prohibited from notifying account holder(s), including, but not limited to Martin W. Porter, of this order and are directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in his investigation and inquiries on behalf of this Court. (Waggoner, D)
GPO Dec 07 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/6/10 ORDERING that the Receiver's Fourth Interim Report filed on 11/5/10, is hereby approved, and Receiver's acts on behalf of the receivership are hereby approved, authorized and ratified. If Receiver reaches agreement with Concettina Ferentz through which she will purchase the Land Rover vehicle for at least $38,000, the Court approves that agreement and authorizes Receiver to sell the vehicle to Concettina Ferentz for at least that amount. If Receiver is unable to reach agreement with Concettina Ferentz for the purchase of the Land Rover vehicle, the Court authorizes Receiver to sell the vehicle through a reputable dealership on consignment, which the Court finds will maximize the ultimate recovery to the defrauded investors for the Land Rover. (Becknal, R)
GPO Dec 08 2010
ding, but not limited to Wells Fargo Bank and HSBC are hereby prohibited from notifying account holder (s), including, but not limited to RAAR Investments, Ltd., Richard J. Schotts, Jr., Jack Miller, Michael Bradshaw and Chris Bradshaw, of this OrderORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/7/2010 ORDERING 387 the Court DIRECTS any and all banks and/or financial institutions, including, but not limited to Wells Fargo Bank and HSBC, to provide documents and information for accounts held by RAAR Investments, Ltd., Richard J. Schotts, Jr., Jack Miller, Michael Bradshaw and Chris Bradshaw, or for which Richard J. Schotts, Jr., Jack Miller, Michael Bradshaw and Chris Bradshaw. Any and all banks and/or financial institutions, inclu and are directed to cooperate fully with Receiver in his investigation and inquiries on behalf of this Court.(Reader, L)
GPO Dec 13 2010
AMENDED ORDER Granting Receiver's Third Application for Fees and Costs 373, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/13/10. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Dec 14 2010
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/14/10 DIRECTING Wells Fargo Bank and Far West Bank to Produce Documents and Information to Receiver Concerning VIP Accounts. (Owen, K)
GPO Mar 01 2011
ORDER granting 397 Receiver's motion to approve settlement with Linda and Harvey Vechery as Trustees for the Vechery Family Trust and/or individually, signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/1/11. The settlement is hereby APRROVED, and Receiver is authorized to take all actions necessary to complete the settlement. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Mar 11 2011
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/11/2011 ORDERING Wells Fargo Bank to produce documents and information to receiver concerning Wiseman/Joiner subfund accounts. (Zignago, K.)
GPO Apr 14 2011
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/13/11 directing banks and/or financial institutions to produce documents concerning EIMT funds transferred to Ban Europa. (Manzer, C)
GPO May 04 2011
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/3/11 ORDERING banks and/or financial institutions to produce documents concerning EIMT funds transferred to Edwin Westlake. (Carlos, K)
GPO May 10 2011
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 05/09/11 APPROVING 402 Receiver Stephen E. Anderson's Fifth Interim Report as follows: 1) Approves and ratifies Receiver's settlement with Gregory E. Porter who invested funds which he permitted defendant Anthony Vassallo to trade at TradeStation on his behalf. Through the proposed settlement, Mr. Porter has agreed to repay to the receivership the $37,724.89 in phony profit that he received from EIMT in exchange for a full release of claims; and 2) Authorizes Receiver to retain Michael E. Miller, owner and broker at Hacienda Properties and a title and escrow expert, at $175 an hour to review escrow files related to properties purchased by Jarom Dastrup and Jaren Ahlmann, who along with Anthony Vassallo, are fund managers for Vastmann Investment Partners LLC, which received over $10 million in excess distributions from EIMT. Mr. Miller shall be authorized to review escrow files on behalf of the receivership and to provide any other real estate related services Receiver believes will be appropriate and of benefit to the receivership estate. (Benson, A.)
GPO May 10 2011
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 05/09/11 ORDERING that 403 Receiver's Fourth Application for Fees and Costs is GRANTED. (Benson, A.)
GPO Jul 13 2011
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 7/12/2011 ORDERING a response to 413 letter, in writing, from the receiver within 15 days. That response shall also be served on the Sanzaris. (Zignago, K.)
GPO Aug 25 2011
ORDER signed by Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/24/11 ORDERING Frank and Heidi Sanzari to, if they so choose, file either a formal motion to the court in which they lay out the relief they seek and the reasons why the court should grant such relief or file formal objections to the Receiver's next fee petition and report in which they lay out the basis for their objections and what actions they believe the court should take because of their objections. The Clerk is instructed to serve this letter upon the Frank and Heidi Sanzari at 3529 Villero Court, Pleasanton, CA 94566.(Matson, R)
GPO Sep 01 2011
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 8/31/11 ORDERING that the Receiver's 416 motion for disgorgement as to J.R.Trust, RAAR Investments, Ltd., Jack Miller and Richard J.Schott, Jr., is GRANTED. The Receiver's 416 motion for disgorgement as to Global Mergers & Acquisitions, Inc. and William A. Hayward is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Within 20 days of the issuance of this order non-parties J.R. Trust and Richard J. Schott, Jr. shall DISGORGE to the Receiver the $2.5 million transferred to J.R. Trust by defendant EIMT; non-party RAAR Investments, Ltd. shall DISGORGE to the Receiver the $228,387.50 of EIMT funds it received from J.R.Trust; Non-party Jack Miller shall DISGORGE to the Receiver the $167,317.01 of EIMT funds he received from J.R. Trust and RAAR; and J.R. Trust, RAAR, Miller and Schott shall each provide a full accounting of all funds they received from EIMT or from any recipient of EIMT funds. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Sep 20 2011
e fair and reasonable. (Kastilahn, A)ORDER setting procedures for auction and confirmation hearing for Island Park Property, signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/20/11. The Court finds that the procedures set forth in this order for the public auction of the Island Park Property ar
GPO Sep 29 2011
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 9/29/2011 re 428 ORDERING that Receiver is hereby authorized to engage the Law Offices of Miriam Hiser, and to utilize the services of Miriam Hiser at $350 an hour, retroactive to September 21, 2011. Receiver is hereby further authorized to utilize the services of other attorneys and staff at the Law Offices of Miriam Hiser, provided that the billing rates of those attorneys and staff are commensurate with their level of experience and the rates authorized herein. Notwithstanding this order, the actual compensation of the persons employed by Receiver shall be fixed by the Court in conformity with Local Rule 232(g). (Duong, D)
GPO Oct 21 2011
STIPULATION and ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/20/2011 RESETING Motion Hearing as to 431 Motion to Order Disgorgement of $100,000 Transferred to Elevate Communications and Wright Thurston. Motion Hearing RESET for 11/21/2011 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. Defendants may file an opposition brief by 11/7/2011. Receiver may file a reply brief by 11/16/2011. (Michel, G)
GPO Oct 25 2011
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 10/25/11 ORDERING the Receiver's letter request 430 for an accounting from Kyle Wunderli is DENIED without prejudice to its renewal pursuant to the August 20, 2009 summary procedures; and Going forward, the Receiver shall not use the June 5, 2009 letter procedure for matters outside the administration of the receivership. "Administration" matters subject to the June 5, 2009 Order include the opening and closing of bank accounts, the engagement of attorneys, submissions of Receiver reports, requests for granting Receiver fees and costs, and the like. Matters that relate to identifying and marshaling the assets of EIMT, are subject to the summary procedures order of August 20, 2009. Such matters include requests for disgorgement, requests for orders compelling action by non-parties (or parties), and requests for accountings, disclosures of financial records, and the like. (Becknal, R)
GPO Nov 08 2011
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/08/11 ORDERING that Receiver's 440 Motion to Confirm and/or Approve the Sale of 3788 Century Drive, Island Park, Idaho Property is hereby GRANTED. The sale shall close as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of this order. (Benson, A.)
GPO Dec 20 2011
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/19/11 GRANTING 449 Receiver's Fifth Application for Fees and Costs. Receiver is AUTHORIZED to make payments to Receiver Stephen E. Anderson, Stephan A. Werth, C.P.A., Cindi Sherrod, Mike Miller, Demco Law Firm, P.S., The Law Offices of Miriam Hiser, and Futterman Dupree Dodd Croley Maier LLP. (Meuleman, A)
GPO Dec 20 2011
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/19/11 GRANTING 452 Motion Receiver Stephen E. Anderson's Sixth Interim Report Filed on 11/21/11. (Meuleman, A)
GPO May 22 2012
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/21/2012 GRANTING 431 Motion to Order Disgorgement as to Elevate; DENYING, without prejudice to its renewal, 431 Motion to Order Disgorgement as to Thurston. (Michel, G)
GPO Nov 07 2012
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/5/2012 GRANTING 464 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney; TERMINATING Attorneys Matthew Lee Lalli; Brendan M. Ford and Michael A. Gehret on the condition that counsel has returned the clients' documents and unearned fees, if any; ORDERING counsel to notify the court, within 2 weeks, if the requirements have not been satisfied. (Michel, G)
GPO Dec 18 2012
ORDER approving receiver Stephen E. Anderson's Seventh Interim report filed on 11/7/12 signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/17/12. (Matson, R)
GPO Dec 18 2012
ORDER granting receiver's sixth application for fees and costs signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/17/12. (Matson, R)
GPO Apr 22 2013
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 4/22/2013 GRANTING 476 Receivers's Motion to confirm and/or approve the sale of 19990 Brockman Mill Road, Fiddletown, CA; The sale and conveyance of the Fiddletown Property to Cathryn Barone for $165,000 is hereby APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Receiver is hereby authorized to execute and convey the Fiddletown Property as is, with no representations and warranties, to Purchaser or to any other designee(s) directly by the Purchaser, for the purchase price of $165,000, with Receiver paying all closing costs customarily paid by a seller of real estate in Amador County, CA. Receiver is further authorized to complete all appropriate conveyance documents to complete the transaction between the parties. If the Purchaser fails to close the sale after confirmation and approval, then the Purchaser shall forfeit her $1,000 deposit to Receiver. The sale shall close as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of this order. Receiver shall account for the costs and proceeds of such sale in his final accounting for this matter. (Reader, L)
GPO Nov 06 2013
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/4/2013. The receiver shall, within 14 days of date of Order, file a Brief not to exceed 20 pages, addressing issues. (Marciel, M)
GPO Nov 13 2013
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 11/13/13 ORDERING that the Receiver's 486 request for an extension of time to 11/22/2013 to file the supplemental briefing in response to the Court's Order 485 is GRANTED.The other terms of the Court's Order remain in full force and effect. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Dec 10 2013
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/9/2013 APPROVING 482 Receiver's Eighth Interim Report. (Zignago, K.)
GPO Dec 10 2013
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 12/9/2013 GRANTING 480 Receiver's Seventh Application for Fees and Costs. (Zignago, K.)
GPO Jan 07 2014
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 1/7/13: The time is extended to February 17, 2014, at 4:30 p.m., for defendant Anthony Vassallo to file his response to the plaintiff's motion for final judgment. HEARING as to 488 MOTION for JUDGMENT reset for 3/17/2014 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK) before Judge Lawrence K. Karlton. (Kaminski, H)
GPO Mar 07 2014
STIPULATION and ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 3/6/14: 488 MOTION for JUDGMENT is submitted upon the record and briefs on file and the hearing scheduled for March 17, 2014 be vacated. (Kaminski, H)
GPO May 23 2014
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/22/14 ORDERING that the SEC's 488 Motion is GRANTED, with the detailed judgment issuing this day in the accompanying Final Judgment Against Anthony Vassallo. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO May 23 2014
FINAL JUDGMENT dated *5/23/14* entered against Anthony Vassallo pursuant to order signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 5/22/14. (Kastilahn, A)
GPO Jun 20 2014
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 6/20/2014. Good cause appearing, it is ORDERED that time be shortened for Hearing of 505 Motion for Permission to Withdraw as Counsel of Record and Request extending time for defendant Anthony Vassallo to file a Notice of Appeal. It is further ORDERED that underlying Motion shall be heard on 7/7/2014 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 4 (LKK). Any response to underlying Motion shall be filed by 6/30/2014. (Marciel, M)
GPO Jul 02 2014
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 7/1/2014 ORDERING 502 that Plaintiff's Motion for Final Judgment against Kenneth Kenitzer is taken under SUBMISSION and VACATES the hearing currently scheduled for 7/7/2014. (Reader, L)
GPO Jul 03 2014
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 7/1/14. The Commission shall file, within 14 days of this order, either (1) an amended proposed order that omits the Advisers Act sections, or (2) a supplemental memorandum of no more than 10 pages, setting forth this Court's authority to assess the requested Advisers Act penalty and injunctions.(Mena-Sanchez, L)
GPO Jul 09 2014
AMENDED FINAL JUDGMENT AGAINST KENNETH KENITZER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 7/8/2014. (Zignago, K.)
GPO Jul 22 2014
ORDER signed by Judge Lawrence K. Karlton on 7/21/14 DENYING 501 Motion to Vacate. (Meuleman, A)
GPO Dec 18 2014
ORDER signed by Judge John A. Mendez on 12/17/14 GRANTING Receiver's Eighth Application for Fees and Costs. (Manzer, C)
GPO Dec 18 2014
ORDER signed by Judge John A. Mendez on 12/17/14 APPROVING Receiver Stephen Anderson's Ninth Interim Report. (Manzer, C)
GPO Jun 03 2015
ORDER signed by Judge John A. Mendez on 6/3/2015 ORDERING 544 Receiver's distribution plan is hereby APPROVED 542; Receiver is hereby directed to disburse the $1,150,000.00 in funds in conformity with the approved distribution plan using the method described in his moving papers. [545] (Reader, L)
GPO Dec 17 2015
ORDER APPROVING RECEIVER'S TENTH AND FINAL INTERIM REPORT signed by Judge John A. Mendez on 12/16/15: (Kaminski, H)
GPO Dec 17 2015
ORDER GRANTING 550 Receiver's Ninth Application for Fees and Costs signed by Judge John A. Mendez on 12/16/15. (Kaminski, H)

Docket last updated: 3 hours ago
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
557 557 misc Order Reassigning Newly Appointed Magistrate Judge Tue 08/02 10:34 AM
ORDER REASSIGNING CASE by Chief Judge Lawrence J. O'Neill: Due to the appointment of *Magistrate Judge Deborah Barnes* to the bench of the Eastern District of California, this action is reassigned from *Magistrate Judge Kendall J. Newman* to Magistrate Judge Deborah Barnes for all further proceedings. (Jackson, T)
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service Service by Mail Tue 08/02 10:35 AM
SERVICE BY MAIL:557 Order Reassigning Newly Appointed Magistrate Judge served on Michael J. Callahan. (Jackson, T)
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