Ohio Northern District Court
Judge:Dan Aaron Polster
Case #: 1:15-cv-00120
Nature of Suit190 Contract - Other Contract
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Other Contract
Case Filed:Jan 21, 2015
Terminated:Mar 13, 2015
Last checked: Monday Jul 20, 2015 9:36 AM EDT
Julep Beauty, Inc.
Represented By
Roger M. Townsend
Breskin Johnson & Townsend
contact info
Michael W. Vary
Mccarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman
contact info
Art of Beauty Company, Inc.
Represented By
Matthew J. Cavanagh
Mcdonald Hopkins - Cleveland
contact info
David B. Cupar
Mcdonald Hopkins - Cleveland
contact info
Zoya Company
5060 Taylor Road
Bedford Heights, OH 44128
Represented By
Matthew J. Cavanagh
Mcdonald Hopkins - Cleveland
contact info
David B. Cupar
Mcdonald Hopkins - Cleveland
contact info

Docket last updated: 03/12/2025 11:59 PM EDT
Friday, May 22, 2015
14 14 notice Notice Fri 05/22 3:46 PM
Journal Entry from Cuyahoga County Common Pleas case #cv-14-837720 notice of removal dated 1/23/2015.(S,SR)
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Friday, March 13, 2015
13 13 order Order Dismissing Case Fri 03/13 4:26 PM
Stipulated Dismissal Oder . Case settled and dismissed with prejudice, each party to pay their own costs. Judge Dan Aaron Polster on 3/13/15. (P,R)
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Thursday, March 05, 2015
minutes Telephone Conference Thu 03/05 9:22 AM
Minutes of proceedings [non-document] before Judge Dan Aaron Polster. On 3/4/2015, the Court held a teleconference with counsel and the parties' client representatives to discuss the issues that are preventing the parties from finalizing the settlement agreement. If the parties are unable to finalize the agreement by Friday, March 13, 2015, the Court will remand the case back to state court. Time: 15 min. (P,R)
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Friday, February 20, 2015
minutes Telephone Conference Mon 02/23 12:05 PM
Minutes of proceedings [non-document] before Judge Dan Aaron Polster. On 2/20/2015, the Court held a teleconference with counsel for Plaintiff (Matthew Cavanagh), Defendant (Roger Townsend & Michael Vary) and Defendant's client representative (Jane Park). During the teleconference, the Court discussed the latest draft of the parties' settlement agreement with counsel and it was agreed that if the Court did not hear from counsel prior to Friday, 2/27/2015, it would enter a notice of dismissal on this date. Time: 15 min. (P,R)
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Thursday, February 19, 2015
oth_evt Notice of Hearing or Conference Thu 02/19 8:17 AM
Notice [non-document] of Telephone Conference set for 2/20/2015 at 10:00 AM on the Court's bridge line. (P,R)
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Monday, February 09, 2015
12 12 minutes Case Management Conference Mon 02/09 4:46 PM
Case Management Plan . Case Management Conference held on 2/9/15. Case is assigned to the standard track. Discovery due by 10/5/2015. Parties to be Joined and Pleading Amendments due by 2/27/2015, Dispositive Motions due by 11/5/2015, Settlement Conference set for 6/16/2015 at 9:00 AM in Chambers 18B before Judge Dan Aaron Polster. Signed by Judge Dan Aaron Polster 2/9/15.Time: 6.5 hrs. (P,R)
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Thursday, February 05, 2015
11 11 notice Initial Disclosures Thu 02/05 5:47 PM
Initial Disclosures filed by Art of Beauty Company, Inc., Zoya Company. (Cavanagh, Matthew)
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10 10 notice Initial Disclosures Thu 02/05 3:29 PM
Initial Disclosures filed by Julep Beauty, Inc.. (Townsend, Roger)
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Monday, February 02, 2015
9 9 notice Report of Parties Planning Meeting Mon 02/02 11:30 AM
Report of Parties' Planning Meeting , filed by All Plaintiffs. Related document(s)7 .(Cavanagh, Matthew)
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015
8 8 answer Answer to Complaint Wed 01/28 7:39 PM
Answer to Complaint with Jury Demand filed by Julep Beauty, Inc.. (Townsend, Roger)
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Friday, January 23, 2015
oth_evt Notice of Hearing or Conference Fri 01/23 10:38 AM
Notice [non-document] - Case management conference rescheduled for 2/9/2015 at 9:00 AM at Chambers 18B before Judge Dan Aaron Polster. (P,R)
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order Order on Motion to appear pro hac vice Fri 01/23 12:16 PM
Order [non-document] granting Motion for appearance pro hac vice by attorney Roger M. Townsend for Julep Beauty, Inc. Local Rule 5.1(c) requires that attorneys register for CM/ECF and file and receive all documents electronically. The CM/ECF registration form can be found at www.ohnd.uscourts.gov under Forms. Related [+]. Judge Dan Aaron Polster on 1/23/15.(P,R)
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Thursday, January 22, 2015
7 7 order Case Management Conference Scheduling Order Thu 01/22 11:08 AM
Case Management Conference Scheduling Order . Case management conference to be held on 2/4/2015 at 9:00 AM at Chambers 18B before Judge Dan Aaron Polster. LEAD COUNSEL AND THE CEO OF EACH PARTY SHALL ATTEND THIS CONFERENCE IN PERSON. NO EXCEPTIONS. Judge Dan Aaron Polster on 1/22/15. (P,R)
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6 6 motion Appear Pro Hac Vice Thu 01/22 11:04 AM
Motion for attorney Richard M. Townsend to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Filing fee $ 120, receipt number 0647-6920281, filed by Defendant Julep Beauty, Inc..(Vary, Michael)
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Att: 1 Affidavit in Support of Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Roger M. Townsend
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
5 5 notice Notice Wed 01/21 3:12 PM
Amended Notice of Removal filed by Julep Beauty, Inc.. Related document(s)1 .(Vary, Michael)
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4 4 oth_evt Magistrate Consent Form Issued by Intake Wed 01/21 2:46 PM
Magistrate Consent Form issued. (C,BA)
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3 3 notice Notice Wed 01/21 2:25 PM
Civil Cover Sheet filed by Julep Beauty, Inc. Related document(s)1 .(Vary, Michael) Modified on 1/21/2015 to correct defendants name (C,BA)
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2 2 notice Corporate Disclosure Statement Wed 01/21 2:22 PM
Corporate Disclosure Statement filed by Julep Beauty, Inc. (Vary, Michael) Modified on 1/21/2015 to correct defendants name (C,BA)
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1 1 cmp Notice of Removal Wed 01/21 2:20 PM
Notice of Removal from Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, case number CV-14-837720 with jury demand, Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0647-6918881. Filer has indicated that case may be related to terminated civil action 1:11-CV1702 . Filed by Julep Beauty, Inc. (Vary, Michael) Modified on 1/21/2015 to correct defendants name (C,BA)
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Att: 1 Exhibit Motion to Enforce Settlement,
Att: 2 Exhibit Complaint
utility Add and Terminate Judge Wed 01/21 2:45 PM
Judge Dan Aaron Polster assigned to case. (C,BA)
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oth_evt Random Assignment of Magistrate Judge Wed 01/21 2:45 PM
Random Assignment of Magistrate Judge pursuant to Local Rule 3.1. In the event of a referral, case will be assigned to Magistrate Judge William H. Baughman. (C,BA)
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