New York Eastern District Court
Case #: 2:09-cv-02212
Nature of Suit710 Labor - Fair Labor Standards Act
Cause29:201 Fair Labor Standards Act
Case Filed:May 26, 2009
Terminated:Apr 10, 2013
Luigi Q Italian Restaurant, a Corporation
Luigi Quarta
SCA Restaurant Corp.
Hilda L. Solis

GPO Dec 01 2011
MEMORANDUM AND OPINION. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, for the reasons set forth in the attached Memorandum and Order, defendants' request that the automatic stay arising under Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code be found to apply to this action is denied. The action is exempt from the automatic stay under the police and regulatory powers exemption set forth in Section 362(b)(4) of the Bankruptcy Code. SO ORDERED. Ordered by Judge Joseph F. Bianco on 12/1/2011. (Weber, Rebecca)
GPO Apr 05 2013
MEMORANDUM AND OPINION: For the reasons set forth herein, the Court concludes, after carefully considering the evidence introduced at trial, the arguments of counsel, and the controlling law on the issues presented, that the Secretary has shown by a preponderance of the evidence that defendants violated the minimum wage, overtime, record-keeping, and anti-retaliation provisions of the FLSA. The Court hereby enters judgment in the amount of $277,734.24 against defendants, consisting of $137,867.12 of unpaid damages, $137,867.12 in liquidated damages, and $2,000 in retaliatory damages. A prospective injunction restraining defendants from future violations of the FLSA is also imposed. The Clerk of the Court shall enter judgment accordingly. SO ORDERED. Ordered by Judge Joseph F. Bianco on 4/5/2013. (Pilmar, Philip)
GPO Mar 14 2014
ORDER granting 86 Motion for Attorney Fees. For the reasons discussed herein, the Court grants plaintiff's motion for attorneys' fees and costs. Plaintiff is awarded $8,183.45 in costs and $5,062.50 in attorneys' fees. SO ORDERED. Ordered by Judge Joseph F. Bianco on 3/14/2014. (Gibaldi, Michael)

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