Adversary Proceeding
Lead BK case is: 1:13-bk-15929

California Central Bankruptcy Court
Chapter 7
Judge:Martin R Barash
Case #: 1:15-ap-01203
Nature of Suit12 Bankruptcy - Recovery of money/property - §547 preference
Case Filed:Sep 08, 2015
Terminated:Sep 22, 2015
Last checked: never
TV One, LLC, TV One, LLC, Defendant
Represented By
contact info
Gottlieb, David Ch 7 Trustee, DavidK. Gottlieb, as Chapter 7 Trustee
15233 Ventura Blvd 9th Fl
Sherman Oak, CA 91403
Represented By
Jeffrey P Nolan
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
contact info
David Keith Gottlieb (TR)
15233 Ventura Blvd, 9th Floor
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
U.S. Trustee
United States Trustee (SV)
915 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1850
Los Angeles, CA 91007

Docket last updated: 03/07/2025 1:05 PM PST
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
4 4 court Close Adversary Case Tue 09/22 12:02 PM
Adversary Case 1:15-ap-1203 Closed. The complaint filed in the above case has been disposed of and is no longer pending due to the dismissal of the complaint or main case, the entry of a judgment or the transfer of the adversary proceeding to another division or district. Since it appears that no further matters are pending that require this adversary proceeding remain open, it is ordered that this adversary proceeding is closed. Related [+]
Related: [-] 1 Complaint filed by Plaintiff Gottlieb, David Ch 7 Trusteeaves, Kelly
Monday, September 21, 2015
3 3 notice Notice Mon 09/21 5:56 PM
Notice of Dismissal of Adversary Action Filed by Plaintiff Gottlieb, David Ch 7 Trustee Related [+]. (Nolan, Jeffrey)
Related: [-] 1 Adversary case 1:15-ap-01203. Complaint by Gottlieb, David Ch 7 Trustee against TV One, LLC. Fee Amount $350 Complaint for (A) Avoidance of Preferential Transfers and (B) Recovery of Avoided Transfers, or the Value Thereof Nature of Suit: (12 (Recovery of money/property - 547 preference)) filed by Plaintiff Gottlieb, David Ch 7 Trustee
Wednesday, September 09, 2015
2 2 court Summons Issued Wed 09/09 1:54 PM
Summons Issued on TV One, LLC Date Issued 9/9/2015, Answer Due 10/9/2015 Related [+] Status hearing to be held on 1/29/2016 at 11:00 AM at Crtrm 303, 21041 Burbank Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. The case judge is Martin R. Barash (Ogier, Kathy)
Related: [-] 1 Complaint filed by Plaintiff Gottlieb, David Ch 7 Trustee
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
1 1 cmp Complaint Tue 09/08 7:22 PM
Adversary case 1:15-ap-01203. Complaint by Gottlieb, David Ch 7 Trustee against TV One, LLC. Fee Amount $350 Complaint for (A) Avoidance of Preferential Transfers and (B) Recovery of Avoided Transfers, or the Value Thereof Nature of Suit: (12 (Recovery of money/property - 547 preference)) (Nolan, Jeffrey)
Related: [-]
crditcrd Auto-Docket of Credit Card/Debit Card Tue 09/08 7:26 PM
Receipt of Complaint(1:15-ap-01203-MB) [cmp,cmp] ( 350.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 40770518. Fee amount 350.00. Related [+] (U.S. Treasury)
Related: [-] Doc#1