California Central District Court
Judge:Andre Birotte Jr
Referred: Jacqueline Chooljian
Case #: 2:10-cv-03790
Nature of Suit890 Other Statutes - Other Statutory Actions
Cause28:1331 Fed. Question
Case Filed:May 19, 2010
Terminated:Oct 31, 2012

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Docket last updated: 03/26/2025 11:59 PM PDT
Monday, January 12, 2015
215 215 order Vacate Mon 01/12 12:14 PM
MINUTES (IN CHAMBERS): Order VACATING Judgment and Dismissing the Action211 by Judge Andre Birotte, Jr. For the reasons stated above, this Court GRANTS the following: (A)The Judgment entered in favor of Defendant on October 31, 2012 is VACATED as are the subsidiary orders including the orders awarding attorney's fees. Dkt. Nos.137 187 ,189 ,202 ,208 . These orders shall have no preclusive effect; (B)This action is hereby dismissed WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Each party shall bear its own costs and attorney's fees. IT IS SO ORDERED. (lom)
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